
Why is John McCain described as a maverick and lone ranger by Bob Schieffer, Washington DC reporter for CBS? ?

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Quite frankly, I would rather vote for General Petraeus for President than John McCain because General Petraeus is NOT a maverick and a lone ranger. General Petraeus knows how to take care of his troops in Iraq and is not a Forrest Gump type that would choose his partner and VP simply because (quote) Sarah Palin is his "soul mate".

It seems to me that John McCain is not trustworthy if it is his personality type to be a maverick and 'Lone Ranger" because he was a fighter pilot in the military and acted alone. He was NOT in charge of troops. The fact that John McCain choose Sarah Palin as his VP because she is his soul mate after 2 brief meetings with her is a kind of flaky excuse for denying his true friend like Joe Lieberman the position. "The reason that Sarah Palin was chosen by John McCain" was answered in an interview with Maggie Rodriquez by John McCain's publicist who is also a beautiful woman on the CBS Early Morning show today, 9/2/08. Are Palin and McCain going to have an affair while they are in the White House because they are soul mates and there is chemistry between them? (This would be a great top 10 list for David Letterman?)

Furthermore, is being a Vice President a 9 to 5 job or will Sarah Palin have time to take care of her husband and children? Will her husband be satisfied being a second fiddle in Washingon DC to please his wife? Will her 17 year old daughter Bristol have to be her nanny and babysitter for her younger siblings as she has been in Alaska?




  1. Your rant left the opening statement immediately, if you want answers to one sincere question fine but stick to the facts.

    Everyone has called McCain a maverick because he does NOT operate in congress as predictably as most senators. He has a history of working with the other party to make changes that benefit this country.

    Politico has said that most senators vote straight party lines 100% of the time and the fact John Sidney McCain has voted only 90% party line accentuates that point.

    Now how about acting like a man and leave the girls alone or we shall have to talk about that one mean spirited racist who's initials are MHO.

  2. Bob Schieffer is an old guy and he knew McCain way back when McCain actually was a maverick. One reason why the press liked McCain so much was that he was good for an interview; he would say different and interesting things.

    I agree that McCain seems to lack judgment. Maybe his character is weak now because he is old and worn out; or maybe he is the same impulsive person he always was. Whatever the reason, the last thing the US needs is an another poor decision maker in the White House.

    I agree General Petraeus would be a good candidate. Maybe he'll run in 2012.

  3. OK, you have a problem with women.  So does Obama.  Congratulations to both of you.  Sheesh.

  4. This is the first time we have had the nominee of a major party as a woman for the vp spot.

    As we saw with Hillary, a woman with a grown daughter, there is still a lot of thinking about roles that are appropriate for a woman.

    There are still many who realize that shifts in those roles don't come quickly.  Young women haven't come across this yet, they think because the law says something, the attitude changes.

    You see this too with affirmative action.  Why do they need it when its already law?

    If Bristol has truly been Nanny and babysitter, then the reason for her pregnancy is clear, she wants out and chose the oldest way in the book.

    The idea that the only reason men and women work together is s*x, is a holdover from the Republicans smear of Clinton.

    Republicans just never think they do anything wrong.

  5. McCain has been referred to as a "maverick" for years, because he's frequently gone against the grain/not necessarily with his party.  Many of his fellow Republicans, particularly the more conservative ones, have taken issue with this.  Despite what you hear, he most definitely is not the same as Bush.

    Secondly, what does his publicist being "a beautiful woman" have to do with any of this?  

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