
Why is John McCain no Ordinary Candidate?

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Why is John McCain no Ordinary Candidate?




  1. because he is mentally unstable obvious to everyone on this planet but

    certain Americans.   The British press calls him McCrazy and they will do

    more so now with the unqualified VP beside him who took a job whose

    description she didn't even have.  ( check out the youtube videos of her

    wondering what a VP does...jeez, wish I could get a job I didn't know how to do!!! )

  2. Nobody really is an ordinary candidate.  I can't believe with all of those people/politicians in Washington that the 2 best candidates we are given to vote on are Obama and McCain.  One is inexperienced to be president, a preacher, and a hater of the rich, and the other is old, a military guru, and thinks women can be easily swayed.  I would rather vote for McCain though.  Obama just preaches and that's it.  He says what he needs to say because his supporters clearly don't understand how economics works.

  3. because he was a prisoner of war!!

    && he might actually know what the h**l to do to get us out of Iraq safely.

  4. oh gosh the POW story again, is that all you got?

  5. He stands for something, he stands for national unity. He believes that you don't have to be a service veteran to be a patriot, you just have to put your country first. He stands for change, but smart and sensible change. He's tired of wasteful government spending and h hopes to unify not just Republicans and Democrats but Independents as well. His 25 years of bi-partisan politics proves that.

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