
Why is Justice a gray area for everyone But Minorities?

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Why does it seem like White crimes and immorality are gray issues but with Minorities the same issues become Crystal clear right & wrong verdicts?

1. I get upset when I hear a Black guy gets jumped by two White guys (that should be in jail) One guy had a record for robbing a store wrestling a (black woman) cops gun from her and walked from the charges. You know a minority would get locked up for taking a White cops gun!

2. Then how bout this V.P. family drama. Everyone expects this from a Minority family, Since she's a white woman all of a sudden she's heroic.If this happened to a minority candidate everyone would Not be so gracious.

3. Pro football players get harassed by Miami cops. If it were Tom Brady they would have asked for his autograph. They sure forgave is infidelities.

The 1st misstep of Obama I know the Vultures will be circling.




  1. I agree with Fetus Fajitas.

    A bunch of invalid points from another whiny "victim" minority.

  2. Hopefully he can work to correct some of the corruption within this country's laws, although given his position his abilities are limited. I'm not saying he can't do it, don't get me wrong, but I'm saying that he would also need the cooperation of Congress and the Supreme Court, who, as long as they've been around haven't done much to curb this hypocrisy.

    Also, another issue that this brings up is Obama's nomination also causes more confusion for people who don't see the problems within America's justice system, and institutions in general. They'll be even more confused as to why Black people claim that racism still exists even though we have a Black president... regardless, he can't do everything, or anything for that matter, ALONE.


  3. Until Minority Men have the same opportunities,benefits & power as white men, there will never be equality.

    White society tries to pacify minorities by promoting minority women,but that will remain unacceptable until All Minority Males have equal power with their women to provide for their families. Its a woman's right to have the same opportunities as males, but when both minority genders Do Not have equal opportunity, the pressure is on the women to attain power. This causes imbalance in society.

    That needs to be corrected.

  4. Ignore them. I feel bad for blacks and I have seen this type of stuff happen. America is just racist and pretty sad. Mccain himself has roots of his family being a slave owner.....for some reason I feel thats why most want to vote him in. But what you say is true....but then again I read alot, studies have proven what you say ect.

    Ignore these red neck Americans : )

  5. Quit being such a crybaby, Obama has had a free pass from scrutiny and tough questions.  

    Your points listed above are false, I mean look at Pac_Man Jones'  criminal record, and OJ Simpson.

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