
Why is Karen matthews in prison yet Kate Mccan walks free?

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okay so i know this has prob been asked before but so what its been on my mind for a while

Now I am no fan of either woman , i think they both deserve locking up but all karen matthews reall did was make up a story to con money , she knew where her daughter was all the time and theres been no story shannon was in any way abused or left alone

so yes she has a council home , yes she is on benefits and has kids to god knows how many men, and yes there was some story of pornography (however true this is)

but take kate mccann she goes away and leaves 3 kids all under 4 alone in an apartment abroad totally unsupervised while she goes drinking with her friends


Yet kate is not in prison despite the fact she neglected her babies and was under suspicion for abduction and murder!

no she is left to go back to her posh mansion , to flash hervfancy clothes and hair and travel the world to be meet the pope ands een as a victim in the media- SHE NEGLECTED HER KIDS!

and the worst part - kate mccann who willfully neglects her kids and walks around free also gets to keep her other kids no questions asked whilst all 7 of karen matthews are taken plus most probably any other kids she has in the future


It is likely karen matthews will be released from prison in the near future - has she has not really harmed anyone but i doubt very much she will see any of her kids again whilst kate mccann and her husband can pop out as many as they like and leave them alone to go for drinks - no questions asked




  1. probably because McCann comes from a privileged background

  2. I cannot begin to unravel your demented rant.

    If you think these cases are comparable...your sense of reality and mine are entirely incompatible.

    At what point did I say that??? mentalist!

  3. Karen Matthews has got what she deserved and I dont think kate McCann should be charged with neglect, can we say the M word here, both him and her have got something to hide and I dont think Maddy was alive after that night that she was supposed to have gone missing.  They know far more than they are telling and she will get caught out along with her darling husband

  4. did it ever occur to you that both the McCanns work for a living and their little girl is still missing ....a living h**l for any parents  

  5. Mathews was motivated by money where as the Mc Cann woman has yet to have her collar felt. Give it time.

  6. money talks

    just take a look at michael jackson

    and o.j simpson

  7. Matthews was a disgrace and a liar. Please produce the proof That the McCanns are telling lies.

  8. i agree leaving your child alone whilst you go out, no matter who you are, is neglect.

    Matthews and Mccans deserve to be prosecuted for what they have done, I know I would be if I left my child alone and buggered of out for a meal with friends.

    I really feel for the poor children involved, one exploited for greed and the other ...well lets hope not for something like the press use for publicity but more of some woman's wish for Madeline to be a child that she doesn't have anymore.

    D ---- I agree Matthews is a liar and a greedy person. I personally haven't called the Mccans liars but merely the point is that they are supposedly intelligent people yet they left their young children alone in a foreign country whilst they selfishly went out for a meal with friends, that itself constitutes as neglect / abandonment. If any of my wifes and / or my own friends turned up for a meal and we became knowledgeable that they had left their children alone we would be in total shock and would end the meal based on that fact and share our thoughts and opinions with them.

  9. It is up to the Portuguese police to charge the McCann's (both of them) not the police in any other country - and I seem to have read somewhere that they planned to do so.  As for the Matthew's person she deliberately tried to commit fraud and wasted police time so that is what she will be charged with.  Or do you think that other countries should be allowed to dictate to use what we should do?

  10. Apparently Matthews was found guilty of a crime whilst Mrs McCann was only guilty of neglect. She will suffer from guilt for the rest of her life for failing to protect her little girl.

  11. her punishment is her abducted child . cant you see the pain in their faces you unsensitive unhuman prat . shut the **** up you know nothing. lisa jay dont let  jealousy cloud your judgement.empty words from empty minds

  12. Well what a pathetic question, yes Kate and Gerry mcann left their kids alone and yes they are paying the price now.  No-one can ever say that they are the perfect parents and have never put their kids at risk, letting your kids go off on their own to the park is a risk is'nt it? they are at risk of abduction or getting attacked.  I dont for one minute think they ever had anything to do with maddies her disappearance, and your also forgetting that what happend,happened in a different country where the law is different, and they were suspects for nearly a year, they are now cleared which means they are innocent. Karen mathews on the other hand allegedly set up a fake abduction along with others so that she could somehow claim the reward money by getting whoever to say that they had found shannon, then the reward would have no doubt been split between all the morons involved. How sick is that, using your own daughter to fraudulantly claim reward money, look at the hard work that went into finding that little girl who has to now probably spend a long time in care, and karen mathews had the bare face cheek to lie on camera pretending to be upset when infact she could'nt give a d**n, oh and then their is her partner who had child p**n on his computer. Kate and gerry mcann have always protested their innocence and have done every thing they can to spread the message worldwide and to find her daughter which they are still doing to this day, so get a grip and stop making out like we live in this prejudice soceity. If kate and gerry mcann had set up a fake abduction and if her husband had child p**n on his computer they would have been treated exactly the same.

    Obviously there are a h**l of alot of different views, you've got all the parents who think they are sooooo perfect and have never in one way or the other put their kids a risk and that soceity in general is picking on them cause they dont have much money, and then their are the sensible ones who can see straight through the bad apples, those being karen mathews,craig meehan and their moron friends who fake abductions and download child p**n. That woman deserves everything she gets, as for kate and gerry i will back them 100% and pray that maddie is found alive and well.

    The bottom line is that kate and Gerry mcann are now innocent so why dont people just give them a break and stop acting like vigilantes, they made a huge mistake which they have now paying for. Get a grip everyone

    After reading all of peoples stupid comments they seem to only blame kate mcann for happend to their daughter with hardly any mention of her husband. But i suppose thats typical of you british women who think you are sooo perfect, and you keep mentioning the fact that she is a doctor and has lots of money, do i detect a hint of jealously.  Give that poor woman a break and go and carry on living your perfect lives with your perfect kids and your perfect standards.

  13. .   This is a mystery.  Life is full of weird little twists and turns.

  14. I totally agree with u, ive said this to so many people.

    Its a matter of class, if kate and gerry were 'council estate' typical people they would be inside on a neglect charge so just cos there doctors there not, its not right

  15. In my opinion there is the Deliberate attempt to get money illegally by Karen and the Accidental cause of abduction by Kate /Gerry McCann  which they contributed to by drugging their children to make them sleep?,surely no 3(going on 4)year old would go voluntarily with an absolute stranger,but would kick up a fuss.

    Both are being punished,but in different ways.

  16. I know, I know I totally get what you are saying. Why dont we all PICK ON the less fortunate ?

    Jeezzz... it just shows how discriminating and sterotypical this country really is ey?

    I agree with you they should both be locked up but I dont think Karen was as bad, she just had loadsa kids and needed money I guess its not like she neglected them as much, but to use a kid to gain money, now thats d**n right WRONG, you may's well have put her in a prostitution alley way! Gosh the things Mother's do now days eyy. Tsk.

    Lock em both up teach em a lesson!

  17. Karen Matthews is poor, working class and unemployed.

    Kate McCann is rich, middle class and a doctor.

    Therein lies your reason.

    If the McCanns had been poor, council-estate trash they would have had their other two kids taken off them and would have been in court for child neglect quicker than you could say "Tapas Bar".

    Both are guilty of neglect and both should have been charged with it.

  18. who cares if the McCanns are telling lies or not (posts above) it boils down to this - THEY LEFT THEIR 3 CHILDREN IN A ROOM ON THEIR OWN, IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY, SO THAT THEY COULD GO ON THE P@#S

    I feel sorry for Maddie, but not them - it's their own d**n fault for being so selfish.

    If they had been a pair of doley scroungers from a council estate then they would have been condemned but instead we are supposed to feel sorry for them.

    Both sets of 'parents' deserve all they get

    EDIT Santa Claus - the pain in her face? the guilt you mean. She left her children ALONE - do you not get this? why any mother would choose to do this bizarre to me. this the unhuman element in this story

    Jealousy of what exactly? a sheer act of stupidity by 'loving parents of maddie'

  19. Karen Matthews was a child neglector too, and nothing as of yet has been proven against Kate McCann.

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