
Why is Ken Griffey Jr. still with the Reds? Doesn't he want to have a chance to win a World Series before he

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retires? He should be demanding a trade. Why are the Reds even keeping him? His contract expires at the end of this season. Griffey is a first ballot Hall of Famer, but he is a 20 year major leaguer with no rings. He rarely gives interviews. How come he doesn't want to go to a contender?;_ylt=AtBzEgbTj5axznYE3dDlbcuFCLcF




  1. He will be somewhere else next year.  Any of the top AL teams could use an extra bat (DH).

  2. I'm really not sure, maybe he is doubting his abilities now that he is older, and he likes having a stable job, knowing that the Reds will always have a spot for him.  I'm really not sure, he really does deserve a World Series.

  3. The answer is that he is a true baseball player. When he came into the game he said that his father told him that defense comes first then hitting and base running. That was how he played and that's how he became a model for what a baseball players should be like. He doesn't ask for a trade because he is living up to his end of his contract. Coming into Cinci he was supposed to break the all time home run record. The injury bug caught him and that ended that dream but not his career. He continues to play for the love of the game not for the money, fame, awards, or championships. I hope that he does win a world series but I will not think any more highly of him if he does. Baseball and all sports for that matter are filled with people with a large egos and poor attitudes. They all come a dime a dozen but Ken Griffey Jr. he is the diamond in the ruff.

  4. Yeah he should of been traded to the Rays. Aww man would be nice if you had Griffy for the Rays and Brett Favre for the Bucks.

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