
Why is MJ better than Wilt?

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Why is Michael Jordan considered the greatest basketball player, even when he has never accomplished stats like 100 points in a game, or 55 rebounds in a game, as Wilt has...?




  1. Because Jordan Jockers are the DUMBEST people in the world and don't know S**t about basketball (see Craig M & july d above)!

    Wilt > Jordan

    Too EZ .......

  2. Wilt - in his era, he was the TALLEST i mean he overpowered every small guy under the basket, he's like a 18 foot giant monster making fun of 3 foot tall idiots. you know what i mean.

    Jordan - even if there's three point line, jordan has many contras like Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Isiah Thomas, even Charles. 6 championships, great plays, buzzer beaters, assist and good commander.

    so you dont need to compare that 100 point Wilt and 55 rebounds.

  3. 1. Michael Jordan was playing aganist a time of the 1st coming. So! he played with charles barkley, reggie miller, magic johnson, larry bird, karl malone, john stockton, kevin johnson, shaquille o'neal in his prime, and so on. Wilt on the other hand was the tallest center during his time aside to Bill russell. So Wilt had it ewasy by dunking and doin lay ups over people.

    2. Michael Jordan was a phenomenon in the Olympics. Michael was soo athletic then any other NBA player in the world. The reason why they called him AIR JORDAN!

    3. Also you're comparing to 2 different positions, so you can't compare Michael Jordan and Wilt on rebounds.

    4. Plus Michael Jordan had more triple doubles than Wilt.

    5. Most importantly, Michael Jordn beat Wilt's record in points of 33,920 points or somewhere around that. Plus, Wilt and Michael Jordan played the same amount of years as Wilt did. So more credit to Jordan.

    6. Also the 100 point game. That time when Witl was in the team fo Philadelphia, Wilt had no reliable perimeter shooters, and so he was on his own to help his team win games. While Jordan on the other hand, had Scottie Pippen, Steve kerr for 3's, and Dennis Rodman for close shots. So Jordan had alot of reliable teammates to score but still racked up over 40 points for msot games with racking up about 7 assists. So basically Wilt wasn't exactly a team player.

    -i hoped this has helped your question

  4. Because Wilt did'nt have ESPN or Nike....

    MJ rode the coatails of MAGIC and BIRD...he was overated to sell shoes

    All the Jordan Jockers who said MJ made his teamates better are basketball illiterates!...MJ had HOFame teamates....and allstar teamates , without these players he never won anything...

    one MJ Jocker said "MJ led his team to 6 rings" ...but he ignored Wilt's Dominating Stat's and said "Ring's"..I gues he think Bill Russell is the GOAT...Bill has a 5 ring advatage on

    MJ played in a waterd down league also!...THE 90's(the worst era)

    the 80's were developed!..but we all saw what MJ did in the 80's...Ballhogg and lose every year...that's the truth!

  5. MJ is the king of b-ball and always will be. 7 championships including the NCAA 1982 Championnship against Georgetown as a Freshman.


  6. you dont need to make 100 points to prove that your good

  7. They were two different styles of players in two different eras.  Although Jordan can boast of more titles, he played in an era when the talent pool was not as strong as during Wilt's years.  Had Wilt a better surrounding cast as did the Celtics of those years, he clearly would have won numerous championships.  Additionally, in basketball, it's much easier to lead from the guard position.  Notwithstanding Larry Bird, most of the players who have made their teams overall play improve the most significantly are guards.  From the center position, your role is pretty cut and dried.  You post up, score, rebound, block shots.  Perhaps the greatest testimony to Wilt's overall skill is that he once lead the league in assists.  They both created their own shots, played incredible defense and revolutionized the way the game is played.  Any GM who had the two available in a draft would unquestionably take Wilt... or Olojuwan... or Bill Russell.  The value of a franchise center in the NBA is just too great.

  8. Because Wilt doesnt have a high playoff average.

  9. because Michael Jordan

    - faced better competition in his era

    - won more championships than Wilt Chaimberlain

    - is more entertaining and ridiculous than Wilt Chamberlain

    - is very dominating for his 6'6 215 lbs body

    - is a highflyer, and highflyers are very popular to people, plus jumping high is not easy to do

  10. This is my take on why MJ is considered the greatest by many.

    Against the ancient past: The age of information hasn't dawned yet. Wilt, Russell, Baylor, Jabbar and Robertson were playing good, but there was no internet to spread the news. NBA wasn't global during that time.

    Against the recent past: Johnson has Bird. Jordan had who? No one. You might say because he is simply the best. I disagree, there was simply no  great players then. Bird and Johnson. They defined each other.

    Against the future: Lebron, Kobe, Wade, Garnett, Duncan, Paul, etc...Need I say more? There are too many great players today. Jordan had Payton? Malone? Stockton? Olajuwon? Yes, they were good, but as dominant, not as flashy and not as marketable as today's stars.

    Extra comment: Jordan was good, but he was also really lucky to be given great players. He was simply just a Lebron James (if not even a lesser version) before Pippen, Rodman, Kukoc etc.

  11. Because his playoff scoring average is higher than Wilt.

  12. MJ was better than Wilt not just because of his talent, and stats, but because he made everyone around him better.

    He made names like Steve Kerr and Luc Longley integral part of championships because he pushed them to succeed. When he had to put games on his shoulders, he often did. However, more than not, he allowed the TEAM to win games/ championships.

    Wilt's stats were because of his physical size, not solely based on his talent as a basketball player. Additionally, he didn't make his teammates any better than they already were. Probably made them worst because they stood around watching him instead.

    The only thing Wilt had on MJ (and all other players) is stamina. Who can you name that can sleep with that many women and still play a full 48 minutes of basketball.

  13. wilt never led his team to 6 nba championships...

  14. Totally different era.

    Wilt played in a undeveloped NBA. It wasnt as restricted as it is now. Aside from Bill Russell who was 6'9" who did he really play against.

    He played when the best athletes didnt play Basketball. Basketball was not as popular.

    Back in the old days of baseball a lot of people hit .400 nowa days no one ever hits .400. (Correlation)

    Not saying Michael is better than Wilt or vice versa, just giving reasons/opinions to your question.

  15. M.J. IS NOT better then Wilt,  M.J. was hyped up by the media, and just to be clear, M.J. also had a few teammates that also HELPED him win all those Championships, such as Pippen, Kerr and others.

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