
Why is MRI shielding needed?

by  |  earlier

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I was looking into Nikola Tesla and saw that MRI magnets use Tesla as a measurement. I have heard of the gauss measurement, but was unaware that 1 Tesla=10 000 gauss.

I was wondering why MRI shielding equipment is needed for protection; how does magnetic shielding and work?




  1. it's not only about the shielding , but also all the materials in the range of MRI (room for example) have to be paramagnetic , & one should put off any magnetic thing he wears or carries.

    once a mistake occurred & the technician working over the machine got  a transformer that doesn't have these protection measures , & ooops  the MRI was turned on for calibration , the transformer rushed into the core & was crushed , like a submarine in the deep sea sinking.

  2. I am not sure if this is the answer you are looking for, but after doing a simple search, this is what I came up with.

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