
Why is MSNBC so pro Obama?

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All they do is talk sh*t about Governor Palin




  1. At the beginning of this year MSNBC made a business decision to directly compete with FOX. Since they accused FOX of a pro-Republican bias the bosses at NBC decided to go in the opposite direction and use extreme left wingers like Olbermann and Matthews in order to rope in the lefty moonbat demographic. I know people that work at MSNBC in NY and he tells me 95 percent of the production staff and on-air personalities are for Obama. Even Tom Brokaw has complained that by doing this the historic NBC name in news has been sullied, maybe beyond repair.

    If Obama loses look for a major housecleaning at MSNBC.

    What was disturbing to many Democrats also was this networks extreme contempt for Hillary Clinton during the primaries.

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