
Why is MY YAHOO not working??? It also did this yesterday morning.?

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Why is MY YAHOO not working??? It also did this yesterday morning.?




  1. Add me to this list! My Yahoo's not working either! Gee, you'd think they'd get on Answers and ANSWER this question!

  2. isn't working for me either.  at first i thought it might be firefox but it's not working with IE either.  it's been two days like this for me.  surprising that you don't see any official word from Yahoo.

  3. I speak to the cause, but when I posting a question about not being able to access MyYahoo yesterday, I saw a highly rated answer, and it seems to have worked! I completely 'shut down' for a few minutes and when I booted back up, everything worked again. Give it a try! I hope it works for you, too. Blessings...

  4. Phew - finally some recognition of a problem!  I'm having the same issues as all of you, and this experience has led me to notice that there is ABSOLUTELY no way to contact Yahoo! about the issue.  

    Do they even know?  

    I kept trolling the help areas for some email address to write to when the question isn't answered in their Help section, but there is none.

    This stinks.

    BTW - shep - just go to and it should come up even w/o working.

  5. I have been having the exact same problem with InsightBB provider.  It's been doing this off and on for about a week or so.  It's now working for me- and the Beta My Yahoo page is much better than it was a few weeks ago.  

    And guess what???  The personalized Scoreboard for My Yahoo is actually working correctly with the beta version of My Yahoo.  

    You may want to try the beta version of My Yahoo to see if you can get your page.

    The URL for the beta version is

  6. I'm so glad to know others are experiencing the same thing...and Yahoo, if you are reading this, i keep ALL my appointments in my yahoo calendar, so i'm really kinda choked that you aren't at least addressing this problem on Those of us who are inconvenienced deserve to at least have a sense that you are working on the problem.

  7. I am having the same problem.  It is nothing you are doing.  Yahoo must be having server problems.

  8. I just got off the phone with SBC / AT&T data comm trouble reports center . .  they said there is a DNS trouble in Yahoo's servers and they have been working on it for 2 days with no restore time given , ,  You'd think Yahoo would step up to the plate and let the public know . .

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