
Why is Maddy more important than the rest of the abducted children out there?

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I personally am sick of hearing about Maddy- because I know that if she wasn't cute and blonde, no one would give a d**n.

Somebody please shed light on something that makes this whole media storm relevant, and why her case is all over the news when none of the other thousands dont even get a little mini column on page 13 of the paper




  1. no proof madeline was abducted, not a single solitary shred  

    every child and every parent should be treated equally

    do you really think if this couple were poor or heaven forbid a single parent they would of had so much support from the prime minister and the media  

  2. Firstly, she is not 'more important than the rest of the abducted children out there' and you know that, its just that 4 year old British children do not get abducted abroad very often, it is an extremely rare case.

    Secondly, the McCanns were intelligent and brave enough to use/manipulate the media to try and keep their daughter in the public eye, hoping this could lead to a sighting.  

  3. Because of the lies and contradictions in this whole case!!

  4. Because she has rich doctor parents making it a great story for the tabloids and the people that read them

  5. Because that particular case sold newspapers where other missing children did not.  Shame but true.

  6. I reckon its because it is so dodgy, nothing adds up!  Its been a media circus from day 1.  I think all of the publicity has not helped the cause.  Anyone holding her will have long since panicked and got rid.  Awful, but maybe true..............

  7. Because the British press are stupid enough to defend her "parents." I don't know, they might be doing it to milk this story. Also they are rich yuppies, like you said, so the press considers them better than anyone else.

    If they were druggie trash like Casey Anthony everyone would be sympathetic to the CHILD, not her neglectful parents.

  8. O my gosh yea i know. Its ridiculus. There are children abducted every day. Its big thing for the parent , but it doesn't go world wild. Why madeline? what so special?

  9. Madeleine McCann is not more important than any other child. Her disappeance is more prominent and it has nothing to do with what she looks like, but everything to do with her parents creating the media storm. May I suggest that if you really are sick of Madeleines's plight, you focus on and ask questions about the thousands of other children you referred to.

  10. hmm i totally agree on that one.

    good point. (:

  11. i can tell you don't like kids that much i think some people in the world like to know about these sort of things

  12. Your hearing about Madeleine - where from?

    Please tell the McCanns they seem to be doing everything they can to keep the focus on themselves and away from finding Maddie!!!

  13. because her disappearance came at a quiet time in the media and they milked it for all it was worth

  14. She isn't more important. I think her parents have gone about this whole thing with a really appalling attitude and I suspect foul play. Does anyone remember the Jonbennet case in America? Similarities in some ways.

  15. Missing children of that age in the UK do get a lot of coverage.  Missing as in really feared in danger ~ not when a parent has taken them back to their country.

    For instance Holly and Jessica, Sarah Payne etc.

  16. It is not a case of people not giving a d**n if she wasn't blond or cute. That is a hideous statement to make.  Admittedly, the press has been saturated with stories about the fact that she is missing, but surely that is a good thing to keep her in the minds of people?  Don't you think that the parents of all other missing children wish they had the ability / connections to do the same?

    Your lack of humanity & compassion is outstanding - how can you not care about a missing child?  I only hope you never have to bare such a sadness in your life.

  17. Simple answer - she isn't. The world's a S**t place and a lot of S**t things happen you'll never hear about. She just happens to have a high profile for the time being.

  18. For me she is not the most important, it just so happens that her parents are well connected and complete media wh0res. As well as being attractive (to some). Personally i find them disturbingly revolting and wholly untrustworthy x

  19. Well all the people who have an insatiable appetite for the case and crave every iota of news footage, mostly out of hatred for the parents,will continue to buy or view whatever is available on the case thus fueling it for the foreseeable future.Ironic really.

  20. You're right on the money.

    This story is spreading because she's cute, white, and blonde, and there is a chance that the story will "twist" at some later point because of the unusual circumstances.

    It's just entertainment, folks. Just a dancing bear at a circus. Move along.

    Really sad for everyone involved and all those families with missing children, but completely true.

  21. I never thought of it like that..  

  22. No missing child is more important than another its just that a lot of the time people don't seek media interference .... also a lot of people cannot afford to travel around etc. as much as the McCanns.  Also, what highlighted this issue more, was the fact that the Police lied and withheld various information.

    I truly hope they find her, there can be nothing worse than not knowing anything.

  23. Because people are idiots.

  24. Because of the clueless ineptitude of the Portuguese police

  25. Because her parents milked it in the first place getting a little publicity so much the newspapers wanted more about her and so then then the Tv wanted to make money off her story so publised that giving the parents off maddie more money to do big publicity stunts like going around the world releasing maddie balloons again making her more well known.!

    Like you i am sick of this story because all the other abducted children are just as important and more should be publised on TV and in newspapers!  

  26. Because the parent went to every newspaper and had the money to make a big campaign for her.  

  27. I agree with you completely. When was the last time that the story of a black/asian child who has been abducted or went missing?

    Every year many children from broken homes are abducted by their fathers (or mothers) and taken abroad with no intention of ever going back to the country they know as home, yet the media never mentions this.

    I remember when a family friend who was a foster carer had one of the children in her care go missing. Just because he was Somalian and a 'looked after' child the police had no interest in trying to find him. The poor lad still hasn't been found and he went missing over 5 years ago.

    To answer your question i think this case has got a lot of attention because Maddie's parents knew how to milk this case for all it was worth in order to keep her case in the mind of the public.

  28. Hey you look like Bobby Mugabe -- are you?

    But I agree with you.  We used to get the same thing about Jon Benet Ramsey over here.  Eventually it dies down

  29. Good Question.

    The Media jumped Straight on to the case, Thanks to Gerry and his friends in the Media, They played it like Hollywood movie,

    Millions of pounds flooding into the fund,The parents Globe trotting the world, meeting the pope, Having a Spin Merchant as a spokesman, Merchandising their Daughter ie T-shirts, wrist bands etc etc

    Shall I go on.... Dont think i`ll bother.

  30. She is white, blonde, and from a wealthy family as you say. No argument there. Not even from me.  

  31. Right. Lets have equality. Lets fail to find all of them.

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