
Why is Mainstream Media not covering McCain's Dubious Past?

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Did Mainstream Media not know about Senator John McCain’s dubious past? His apparently close family links to organized crime? His apparent involvement in costing US tax payers of billions of dollars to help his good buddy Charles Keating as a member of the Keating Five? His appalling record in the treatment of veterans and veterans’ families and the families of MIAs? The following appeared 11 years ago on a small veterans’ website and has been ignored since. Why? The site below quotes newspapers and TV stations on McCain's past and it is not pretty.

Sen. McCain Wants To Be President

Check-out his unpresidential credentials




  1. Because they're holding all of that in reserve for the general election, so that they can insure a Dem victory in November.  Just wait, once McCain wins the nomination, the daggers will come out.

    But, lest you think I'm a Romney fan - no way!  I can't stand that huckster... He looks like he should be wearing white vinyl shoes, selling used cars somewhere.

  2. Because the media is wary of getting their faces blasted off by people who tell the whole story.  Look what happened the Dan Rather allowed personal hatred to get him to believe an obvious hoax.

    The fact of the matter is that you do not like the man so you are automatically believing anything bad said about him.

  3. Be aware of unfounded accusations. You can have a friend that's real bad & not know it, what you do after gaining the knowledge is what really matters.  McCain is a former prisioner of war in VietNam & as such there is no way he can be against veterans & their families. Please do some more research, dont't allow yourself to be fooled by false accusations.

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