
Why is Marat Safin's sister's last name spelled different - she is Dinara Safina?

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Marat Safin and Dinara Safina are brother and siter. Why does Dinara's last name contain the letter "a" at then end????




  1. Many countries apply a gender to names.  Haven't you ever noticed most foreign female atheletes have names that end in "a"?  Or how about russian male atheletes that end in "v"?    

  2. never really noticed or thought abot it untill now.. but it has something to do with there genders.... the male gets the fathers surname exact spelling, whilte the daughter gets the mothers,....

    i think for what its worth marat safin is the better looking sibling..

  3. A full Russian name consists of personal (given) name, patronymic, and family name (surname or Last name).

    For the most part, and simply stated, the suffix on the end of a Female Russian name means "Daughter of.."

    There is also a suffix given to some masculine names That in essence mean "Son of..."

    Like Sharapova is the daughter of Uri Sharapov Who is the "son of" the Family line of Shara.

    You Get the Idea. Hope this helps.. (More Below if you just Gotta know more! LOL)

    Exerp From Wikipedia-  Source--

    Most Russian family (Last) names originated from the father's name usually formed by adding the adjective suffix -ov(a) or -ev(a)). more modernized Names will add the adjective suffix "-ich" for masculine and the adjective suffix "-na" for feminine.

    Here is an example of most common Russian (last) surnames:

    Ivanov (son of Ivan),

    Petrov (son of Petr),

    Sidorov (son of Sidor).

    Feminine forms of these surnames have the ending -a:

    Ivanova (daughter of Ivan),

    Petrova (daughter of Petr),

    Sidorova (daughter of Sidor).

    Take Care!

  4. All Russian females (Safina) mostly have "a" at the end of their name for tradition. They take on their family name with an "a" at the end.

    An example is Yuci Sharapov, Sharapova's father. He's a man, and his daughter Sharpov"a" ends with an "a".


  5. Because in Russia the daughters take the feminine of the surname.


    Male - Female

    Safin = Safina

    Sharapov = Sharapova

    Kournikov = Kournikova


  6. It is common in Russia (and some other places) for the surnames of sons to remain the same as the father's, while the daughter's name has an 'a' added to it.  It's a cultural thing.

  7. females from russia often have an "a" at the end of their name.  other examples are sharapova to sharapov (her dad)

  8. It's merely a cultural thing in Russia that an 'a' is added on to the surname of females.So if Sharapova has a brother, he'd be 'Sharapov' If Svetlana Kuznetsova or Dementieva have male relatives than they would be Kuznetsov and Dementiev.

    Same goes for the men, Davydenko's wife is Davydenkova.

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