
Why is Margate so rubbish nowadays?

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I went today....everything was shut and the place looked like a dump! I went years ago and had the best time ever in Dreamland Amusment park...But its all shut now! WHY? lol! Went there for a nice day out and ended up staying for less then an hour! Southend is far better and thats something I never thought I would say!




  1. because people don't holiday there, so they don't spend their money there, if the government invested some money there it could be really nice, but they'd rather send money abroad.

  2. Awful isn't it. I went there in the early 90's and it was a bit tatty but ok. Later I took my partner to see the famous shell grotto. the way up went past all sorts of boarded up buildings with smashed windows-it was like a wasteland. on my first visit I had also gone into some interesting caves under the town which had drawings in them between  medieval times and 1700's. I wanted to show them to  my oh as well but when we found them, they were locked, the gate was broken and there was 3 feet of grass growing up over the entrance. They had been run by the LOCAL COUNCIL,not privately, which makes the situation even more shameful!

      I know a lot of people have said a huge influx of refugees/asylum seekers in the mid 90's contributed a lot to the decline  as older  people who used to visit regularly didn't want to come anymore. Another reason of course is that the old time seaside type holiday is almost obsolete.

  3. just the way things have become now in the uk c**p c**p c**p  

  4. the sand is lovely though, but everything is so run down

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