
Why is McBush talking about Britney and Paris

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instead of the tanking economy, astronomic health care costs, Social Security, the mess in Iraq & Afganistan, etc. etc.?!




  1. he wants to compare them to Obama.


  2. Because he knows the only way to get the american public on board with him instead of Obama. I feel Barack has more substance then the typical Republican boys club that has erased the middle class completely, and lied to us to go along with this meaningless war in Iraq. And the only way to veer people from someone with substance is to attack their character and what they've accomplished.  Obama really has no skeletons in his closet, puts all his feelings and policies out for everyone to see. The republican party has been sending emails, and planting media stories filled with lies since he announced he was running for president, so nothing suprises me.  It's really childish and I think that America doesn't have time for McCain's old geriatric ways, as well as the tired practices of the Republican Party.  

  3. McCain is not acting like the person he was in the past. He is projecting an focus of why we shouldn't vote for Obama, never telling us the reason we should elect him to the office

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