
Why is McCain all about ......... ?

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Why is McCain all about America but Obama is all about Obama ?

As another Y/A Question just asked :

What does it say about the 2 Parties when the DNC chant is " Obama.....Obama.....Obama..." & the RNC chant is " USA.....USA...USA....." ?

How much more proof does America need that McCain is saying " Vote for me because I Love America " & Obama is saying " Vote for me because I Love Me " ?




  1. Because McCain is older and wiser Obama is younger and ambitious.

  2. Obama is like Bill Clinton, the wannabe version.  His stupidity is ridiculous.  He knows the people of america like him cuz they wanted change, but this change isn't really a good thing in my mind.  I see a false hope from him but o well, the people like him just like they said they like Bill Clinton, but they rather wanted Obama then Hillary Clinton. So confusing...??????

  3. I agree with you about Obama, but the GOP is a gigantic steaming pile.

    Vote Libertarian, the real Republicans

  4. Chanting doesn't prove anything. I've seen plenty of basketball teams with bad defense when the audience kept chanting defense.  

  5. LOL, no come on silly, we are choosing a president for us. When we choose a country then we can chant d**n

  6. Awesome question! I couldn't agree with you more. We can't look at one man to solve all of our problems, and the last thing we need is more government.

    McCain/Palin '08

  7. Great point!!!  Good question they are so misguided they dont even know what they are doing.

  8. That is the difference between a man who loves his country and a man who loves himself!

  9. Because the War machine is in the Rep's side.  They will keep taking us into war.  Rep's aren't real Americans.

  10. Lol i love this point. Like palin said in her speech, McCain uses the word victory when he talks about the war, obama only says it when he talks about his campaign. LOL

    He is an ego maniac full of empty promises and lies! See throught them america!

    McCain Palin oheight!

  11. Obama is saying "vote for me as I will do the best job for you".

    Which, btw, is exactly what I will be doing.

    Also, it is not "country first" (that sounds like a nationalistic slogan one would have heard in German beer halls in the early '40s) is PEOPLE first...ALL people.

  12. It's probeley because we don't care about America anymore only the person who runs it. Cause Bush demostrated how not to be a leader so were more alert about leaders now.

    Besides almost everyone on the internet doesn't like McCain


  13. Obama has an IQ of 140 and McCain has an IQ of 110.  If you want a person who has the brains to make good decisions for the country don't vote for the dumb guy.

  14. you are 100% right. How many Republicans were ar the DNC? NONE  at least one democrat could stand up and say McCain is the best choice. He is for America, he is what everyone could be proud to call president. He embodies the true American.  

  15. Because people are actually enthusiastic about Obama whereas people are just voting for McCain because he's the Republican candidate...?

    Also, "Obama" is easier to chant.

  16. george bushie  

  17. Obama is now a has been. Back to organizing communities.

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