
Why is McCain horrible at giving speeches?

by Guest60364  |  earlier

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Whenever I see him on the news talking and giving speeches, it seems like he's reading from something and not talking TO the people. I just saw him tonight on the news and he kept reading from his notes every 2 seconds of what to say next and he sounds so dull and unenthusiastic. At least Obama sounds powerful and believable whereas McCain sounds like he's being forced to do this and doesn't believe or understand what he's talking about.




  1. Substance is different than a charming speaker that says only "change" and smiles.

  2. His own party hates his speeches.

    One guy said they were embarrassed and he covered his head.

  3. Just listen to what he's saying about the issues.

    Or may you're just one that needs an eloquent Hitler type and then you'd follow him off a cliff regardless of what he says.

  4. It's true, but when McCain is speaking off the cuff, he appears comfortable whereas Obama fumbles around and sounds incoherent.  

  5. He told everyone why on Saturday Night Live a while back. He is old. The Alzheimers is already starting to kick in.

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