
Why is McCain now using "Change" as his campaign's slogan?

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Just a week ago he was steady and firm with using "experience" as his mantra.

What happened?




  1. His campaign slogan is "Country First".

  2. I don't believe he has signs that say 'CHANGE', nor do I believe he uses it in every single sentence he speaks. He has used change to his advancement, seeing as Obama refuses to speak about how he is going to make this change happen, or get the money to do it.

    McCain/Palin '08!

  3. His slogan is "Country First" not change.

    He has always planned on changing congress. He's planning to expose the pork spenders and big government do nothings. That's change I can believe in!

  4. He's not

    The slogan is still "Country First" according to his website:

  5. monkey see monkey do

  6. He saw it working for Obama, so he jumped on board

  7. Because he knows he's going to lose.

  8. The American people do what change from what is currently going on in Congress.  Little known FACT.  Congress has been controlled by the Dems for the past 4+ years.

    Obama has zero experience as a 'community leader' and promises 'change' to people too lazy to do their homework on the candidates.  

    Obama has promised to bring 'CHANGE' to Washington. Yet his VP choice, Joe Biden, is a 35-year veteran of the Senate. He has been in the Senate since 1973. Biden has served for the sixth-longest period among current senators. Yes, sir that is real change.

    People do your homework!  It takes 15 mins of research on non-biased information to see that Obama is not the choice!

  9. They call that:    "ANYTHING TO WIN POWER"

    If next week the polls showed that Americans wanted fried chicken

    the Mccain camp would all be wearing KFC outfits and swearing they are the party of Crispy and Original.

  10. he changed .

    get it ?

  11. It's "Country First"

  12. Cuz hes a flip floppin moron!

  13. I don't think it's so much a 'slogan' as it is a promise.

  14. What originality and independent thinking should anyone expect from CCain.

  15. Because he is senile and doesn't remember what he said or done last week.

    I was listening to some of his flash back story last night until I caught him in another lie when he said: When I was 5 years old I saw this car driving up the street...yea right like there were cars when he was 5!

  16. His campaign slogan is "Country First".

  17. Gramps now want some change, too.  This is a joke Right?  Why are the neocons have so many excuses.  McCain just McCopy Obama which is McLame!  +++



  18. If you can't beat them join them...

    And by change i think he means his diaper... he has no real change it's just a new word to him...

  19. Because it sounded more like "more of the same" which is essentially what it is with McCain, this man thinks the last president did a good job, something is wrong there.

  20. He is a copy cat.  His stupid status quo stance doesn't cut it with the savvy American public.  So he is copying Obama and he is so idiotic that he thinks no one will notice him copying him.  Get a life John.  

  21. Because he is poking fun ant Barak Hussein Obama bin Bidden. LOL

    Talk about more of the same. I think Bidden is one of the few people who have been around Washington DC longer than McCain. Love the democratic process. ROTFLMAO

  22. ~ All he has it what he hears.  People are getting tired of hearing about him being a POW so now all he can do is starting singing Obama's tune.  The man can't think for himself!

  23. He calls it reform which is the same as change. Well, he is a copycat.

  24. He flip flopped again...

  25. Because his form of change does not involve socialism.  

  26. Because even the GOP realized that they messed it up the last 8 years. Big time.

    As for Patriot up here, still believing the reidiculous claim that Obama is a socialist. Way to scare yourself lol.

  27. McCains change actually accomplishes something, Obamas is a change back to business as usual for the blood sucking Good

    Ol boy network in the Dem party.  

  28. ~~That's what I have been saying.  Obama has been using this slogan for 19 months. The media just gloss over it. I notice that too. McCain using Obama's change slogan.  He said like 10 times last night. McCain didn't talk about polices or what he doing to do for the nation. I guess McCain realize Americans are hungry for change. Obama was hitting home on that message. McCain is an copycat.  ~~

  29. I also enjoyed his nomination where he tried to distance himself from the GOP.  Why would you do that if you are running on their ticket?

  30. It's more like reform. He wants people to know not to expect the same old politics from him.  

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