
Why is McCain promising to not act like Republicans during the convention due to the storm?

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"I pledge that tomorrow night, and if necessary throughout our convention, we will act as Americans, not as Republicans," McCain told reporters.




  1. Republicans act like americans, liberals though......

  2. With another devastating storm arriving so close to the horror of Katrina, McCain has learned that he and Bush shouldn't eat birthday cake while a major U.S. city drowned.  McCain is making an attempt to say that the Republican convention will not be a celebration as planned.

  3. Just from the quote you gave, it sounds as though he's pledging to put his country ahead of his party.  

  4. Obviously, he wants Republicans to act like caring US citizens instead of party-mad the Democrats.

  5. Well...Republicans would let the gulf drown, Americans would send help.

    I think he made the right decision.

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