
Why is McCain "for Country First" but Obama only for himself?

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Wearing a flag pin is an excruciating act for Obama!




  1. obama is for the whole world

  2. Well, McCain is "Big Oil" first, himself second, and country, I don't know, its way off the list.   And, no Im not a democrat.  

    Read Ron Paul's "Revolution a Manifesto".   I've posted plugs for his book a lot today, but its relevant.  To see so many people caught up in sound byte arguments (both democrats and republicans) is nauseating.    We have no candidate this year.    

  3. Your question contains a lie.  You can choose not to vote for Obama, but don't show your ignorance by claiming he is "only for himself".  If you are voting on ridiculousness about a flag pin, then you deserve crappy leadership like the one you have now.

  4. I heard him say that in his BrokeBack Church interview. IIRC he linked his self obsession to his attendance of Rev Wright's Church.

  5. excellent point, the flair we pin on our clothes is way more important than what we say or one's vision for the future. If patriotism is defined by whether or not you wear the symbols of the state on your person then I hope you realize that you're inferring that Adolph Hitler was a great patriot.

    ADDED: a million thumbs down won't change the fact that Adolph Hitler was always the first to rise when the hymn of the Reich was played and never went out in public without wearing symbols of the state. Nor will it change the fact that if this is your measure of patriotism, then appearance trumps substance.

  6. That's your opinion...  and like they say, opinions are like *******; everyone has one!

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