
Why is McCain so mean-spirited?

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Interesting bit of McCain history...

Hotline: 6/15/98:

Arizona Republic's Murphy reports, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)

"formally apologized" to Pres. Clinton on 6/12 "for a crass joke

he made earlier in the week at the expense of" Hillary Rodham

Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, and AG Janet Reno. McCain spokesperson

Nancy Ives "said a letter of apology had been hand-delivered to

the" WH. Ives "would not repeat the joke that landed McCain in

hot water": ... I just can't repeat

it." Political "sources told the Republic the joke went

something like this: "Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly?

Because Janet Reno is her father."




  1. Heyyy, grizzly bears arent nasty

    and neither is Mccain.  He is your next president

  2. He isn't.

  3. We can only judge people by their actions and words and this makes me sick. Did Chelsea get an apology? The old man has just lost his mind. Why couldn't he stay at his easy job in the senate and just rot away.

    Then again I'm glad he won the primary cause he's the weakest canidate they got.

  4. I'm for Obama, but I'd still like to know if this is even true. Why didn't the asker post a link?

  5. LOL!!!

    That is awesome!!! : )  Did he really say that!!!


  6. Now you know why Cindy is always crocked most of the time!  

  7. He is like a nasty old grizzly bear.

    His hatred of women has been well documented.

    - - - - - - -

    Sorry Griz... how about nasty old polar bear... yeah, I  like that better anyway... it has a "white hair" overtone.

  8. Because he's married to Cindy...can you imagine waking up beside that every morning?  I'd be grumpy too.

  9. Well, honey, it's cuz far-left wingnuts say so -- THAT's why.

    Besides, it's not like he was the author of the "joke"; it had been around for years before he was quoted as having uttered it.

  10. If we "shot" everyone who repeated a bad joke, I am afraid there would be none of us left.

    Repeating this joke, which is in very poor taste, is "stupid" not mean spirited.

    I bet he doesn't do that again!

  11. This is what happens to old Republican ideologues. It happened to Bob Dole too. He used to have a good sense of humor and then he became just plain mean.

  12. As an old guy I can answer that, when senile dementia starts setting inwe lash out at other people because we cant remember what we were supposed to be talking about in the first place.

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