
Why is Mccain refusing to answer questions from the press?

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at one time mccain loved the press and the status of his straight talk express. now he reads pre-written statements and won't answer simple questions.

"... refusing to answer a question about his definition of honor.

``Read it in my books,'' McCain said. ``I'm not going to define it.'' ...

... McCain answered a question about his opinion on premarital s*x by saying, ``I don't have any response to that type of question.''




  1. Are you serious? Were you not watching the Sunday shows? He was all over the place. Unscripted answers, and no excuses.

  2. Because the Obamabot media gargle with Obama j*zz.




  4. I believe you're talking about the media that is smearing a 17 year old girl. I can imagine he's not so happy with them.  

  5. How is McCain's view on premarital s*x an important issue for this country?

  6. He'll answer any new questions he's asked

    Unlike bama who answers the same Question several times in a sentence by the time he buys enough time to figure out the question by adding stuttering time and the end of the sentence doesn't relate to the first part of the question

  7. he doesn't know or have any honor.

    I bet he had s*x before marriage he don't want take a chance

    answering such a risky question. One wrong step and he screwed.


    hope that helped!!!

    good luck


    Everyoner get out there and VOTE!

  8. Because much of the media are so busy drooling and lusting over Obama, they seem to have lost their ability to ask a relevant, well-thought out question.  Have you seen these talking heads lately?  

    I think McCain should grant lengthy interviews with local reporters as he travels to different cities.  It seems that journalists from small towns in the middle of nowhere are more articulate and can ask relevant well-thought-out questions.  The major news networks are just silly and have spent more time talking about the teenage daughter of the VP than informing viewers about the candidates positions on issues.  

    Most members of the media are just plain stupid.  I can't believe how ridiculous they look.  They don't even try to appear "objective" anymore.  

  9. Well, he did vote for allowing Viagra to be covered under health insurance but voted against the pill being covered.  So, I think he is playing the "safe" card and avoiding any of the real issues.

  10. Because he's smart enough to realize the press is merely baiting him to get sound bites, which can then be played out of the intended context against him.

  11. It's mostly an attempt to maintain message discipline and avoid a potential gaffe.  McCain's history of free-wheeling it with the media is over and he has become much more contentious with them.  It's a shame because it was more representative of his maverick image than the way he behaves since he decided to run for president.  Unfortunately, that has been due partially by his hiring of Bush staffers who advise him to take a similar tact with the media.  It's a strategy of attacking the messenger because if the person criticizing you has less credibility, then people don't take their questioning a candidate seriously.  It also makes them less likely to question a candidate so they get access.  The flip side is that doing it means media outlets are less likely to provide you coverage and when they do it probably won't be as friendly if you have a jovial relationship with them.

  12. No. McCain answered the question.  

    Nonetheless, in BO's own words, he can not answer a question without tap dancing for ten minutes...

  13. Because he doesn't have his notes available for questions he is not prepared to answers. He has a hard time remembering his speeches as you can see when he makes them he has to always look down at them.  Pretty sad.

  14. Wow!  With all that sit on their chairs in Congress only McClain is being charged for being a premarital s*x offender.    Just think how the other one got away with a cover-up.  She drowned didn't she and the help went for help the next day. When all them good guys use to be in the White House and had their fun, sure wish them bed sheets could have talked. Whats happening now, them good guys back then still make these guys today look like Mickey Mouse.  

  15. because i have casted one of the unforgivable curses on him and i am controlling him

    and with this power i will intend it to rule the world


  16. Hey.......let's face it........this whole process just takes wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too d**n long...............

    it's GOTTA get on your freaking nerves after awhile, with a bunch of jackals trying to rope-a-dope ya into answering loaded questions.

    McCain just isn't the "walk on eggshells" type........

    I actually admire that.........but, alas......the job of CANDIDATE requires saying alllllllllllllllllllll the right things, at all the right times, to EVERYBODY.

    It's gotta be exhausting and FRUSTRATING.

  17. Because he knows that fair questions could highlight his diversion from being a "maverick".... he has done many reversals since he started running and now has become the run-of-the-mill Republican.  He knows this and if I advised him I will tell him to avoid the press too.

    He's not a maveriick anymore.... he's a gelding.

  18. Because he has shown as of late that he should not really speak in public because he cannot get the story straight...

    does not know Sunni from Shia, two branches of Islam that split violently

    does not know that condoms prevent STDs

    does not know how many homes he has

    mistaken "Somalia" for "Sudan" and “Germany” for “Russia”

    This spring, McCain said troops in Iraq were “down to pre-surge levels” when in fact there were 20,000 more troops than when the surge policy began.

    does not know that Czechoslovakia has not been around in 15 years

    McCain said that as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, he had tried to confuse his captors by giving the names of Pittsburgh Steelers starting players when asked to identify his squadron mates. McCain has told the story many times over the years — but always correctly referred to the names he gave as members of the Green Bay Packers.

  19. Perhaps it is because ever since Sarah Palin was announced as his VP choice nothing but rude, pathetic questions and innuendos have come out.  Seriously, she's not mother of Trig, her daughter is?  Not, She's 5 months pregnant and the baby is 4 months old.  Do the math. The things that have been coming out in the press are not questions about the campaign or the issues, but c**p meant to smear good people.

  20. McCain might be tired of DISINGENUOUS questions from the liberal press...a word Obama is fond of using because Obama IS disingenuous...

  21. He probably felt awkward. Which is a bad look for him. Or whatever he said, he knows the press is going to twist it around and fire it back at him. So he chose the "no response" route.  

  22. Because its all gossip aimed at Palin, and really, who cares.  Its just soap opera drama that Americans need to quit dwelling on. Im glad he has.  Obama as well (just not the rest of the liberal camp).

    And again, abstinence and being anti-contraception is just dumb.  Women go into heat in their early teens and certainly dont wed then, mating is a carnal urge, and it's going to happen.

  23. Because this "press" is spinning everything he says, they are really just campaign workers for Obama!

  24.   Maybe when Joe Biden comes out and explains why his plagiarism caused him to quit the 1988 presidential race in disgrace....and explain his racist remarks towards blacks and indians, we will can be discussing something relevant.

      How about Obama explaining his ties with  convicted felon Tony Rezco?

  25. Well, read the headline and the complete story from which you pulled those quotes.  You will have your answer!

  26. Because the press is infested with liberal skunks that either lie or twist what people say, then use it against them.

    This would be the case, since they're trying to get Barack Hussein Obama elected.

  27. Lets see, when he was a maverick they loved him.  Now that he is running against the Messiah, their pick, he chooses to decline to take questions from obviously bias reporters.

    See Obama's world tour last month, all the press was on his plane and none covering McCain.

    I would take their questions in writing in advance so as not to have to deal with their stupidity.

    It is his choice to do this.

  28. Because he's not a thinker on his feet.

    And he has voted against teen pregnancy programs the entire time he was in the Senate.

    Read this:

  29. Maybe he's tired of the bias in the press. Lets have some at least borderline neutrality in the press.

  30. well especially with the premarital s*x thing its good that he didnt answer that question. He could have made a few people mad.

  31. You don't seriously want that McCain starts talking about sexuality!

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