
Why is Mexico becoming so unsafe all of a sudden?

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I hear the drug cartel is getting pretty bad, killing everyone even shooting at our understaffed border control agents, often ambushing them, and if the Border Patrol shoots back they get sent to American Jails.




  1. you have to live there to understand it, where i live above 40 people were killed just in January related to drug issues, authorities are corrupt, it doesn't scares us anymore that we hear on the news that someone was killed, it just a normal thing nowadays because it has been happening a lot, i think it has always been unsafe but not so unsafe like now, before there would be robberies and a couple of kidnapping here and there, but now its just murders everyday and no investigation on it, we are pretty messed up

  2. It's because they have a corrupt system and the USA has been cracking down on the immigration problems. That is starting to put pressure on the drug pipelines and that is more newsworthy so you have heard more about it.

  3. Mexico is a lot  safer ,now,than its ever been

  4. Mexico has been a dangerous place for decades.  Those 15 million illegals didn't just show up yesterday.  Even Mexicans don't want to live there.

  5. mexico isnt "unsafe" all of the sudden, and it's not even that unsafe, the media makes it sound like its a train wreck there but it's not really that bad. Average people with average lives meaning they arent into drugs are just fine and live life just like everybody else in the world. It's not as safe as the USA but still it's not as bad as ppl make it sound.

    AND mexicans, most of them would love to stay in mexico but mexico's biggest problem is the economy which their goverment needs to fix, so they come cuz it's survival not they just wanna steal jobs or corrupt the states.

  6. i heard all the singers who made bad songs that discourages or hurts th names of mexico were beheaded, and this guy on david letterman told so, and it was true


    see the difference between mexico and new mexico?

    i thought it was a good place i mean yeah


  8. And do remember--if there were no drug problem in the US, creating an enormous mulit-billion dollar market--there would be no drug cartels in Mexico--and no drug-related violence.

  9. "...all of a sudden?"  Mexico has been unsafe for a long time.

  10. Drug Cartels, and authorities that are fighting them... that´s the reaso... have you sen American gangstermovie? is kind like the thing is happening in  the mexicna border....they are killing a lot of police men also......

    but must of the time drug lords are fightinn among their selfs for controling territories.....

    And that guy who´s head was chopped off, he was dating a drug lords wife.

  11. Are you sure it is getting unsafe instead of you being aware of Mexico being unsafe.

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