
Why is Mexico the most important economic partner for the USA in Hispanic-America, but Cuba remains blockaded?

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Is that why Cubans in the USA hate Mexicans in the USA ?




  1. Because Mexico is a great democratic and capitalistic Nation.

    God bless Mexico!!!


    Cuba a little province that had always been subjugated by powerful empires. New Spain, Mexico, USSR, USA, etc... even Chinese people!

    so gusanos in exile suffer of resentment because their homeland island is blocked by our powerful American Empire.

  2. I heard about some secret agreement that i dont know whether its true or a lie, this agreement states that America, Canada and Mexico are uniting under one country name called the united America or one world government... search youtube for "one world government" and watch the videos there....

  3. LOLZ cuz the USA failed in the Bay of Pigs invasian

    and Castro fought them off and turned all american industries into private ones leading to trade embargo and allied with USSR

    and created the Cuban Missile Crisis

    Castro turned Cuba into a communist state USA hates that

  4. Cuba isn't blocked because they are commies. China and over half our trade partners are commies, dictators, and run amok oligarchies.

    Before Fidel, Cuba was like Vegas to the US. US owned tons of stuff there and made hella profit.

    The block is due to international constraints and embargo issues too numerous to include here. It will open up surely.

  5. Cubans are communists who hate Mexican and American democracies and capitalism.

    Cubans are also criminals and drug traffickers.

    I wouldn't trust on them!

  6. Please read your history, before you make accusation. Mexico has never been a war threat to USA. Cuba wanted missiles from the Soviet Union to be used against USA, this a fact. If Cubans hate Mexicans, the Cuba clean up their act with USA. Before pointing fingers

  7. You can't compare the big México with the small Cuba.

  8. What? Cuba is blockaded because they are commies. What's any of that got to do with Mexico?

  9. Because most of the fruit/food comes from Mexico :]

    & idk about why Cubans hate Mexicans in the USA o_O.

  10. The last blockade was in the 1960's during the Cuban missile crisis. What does Mexican trade have to do with Cuba? Your question makes no sense

  11. The USA has a inherent fear of communism. Cuba's communist and the US wants to make it a capitalist country. It has nothing to do with Mexico.

  12. they are communists Fidel Castro hated Americas! All latinos hate each other

  13. Cubans have envy of Mexicans

    The USA should lift the blockade  against them, so they can stop their resentment and hatred attitude against democracy, Americans and Mexicans.

  14. Economic  system of Cuba is why. Mexico will allow U.S. Companies in to hire workers for low wages and even sweatshops. In Cuba sweatshops are not permitted.

    Were sweatshops removed and the economic system of The U.S. to change then The U.S.  could be freinds with Cuba.

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