
Why is Michelle Obama SUDDENLY proud of America???

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Whats changed about America in the last thirty days??? Is she proud that FINALLY she gets more attention because her other half is getting American voter support for his prez bid? If that's ALL that makes her proud of America, she outta think about those Marines/Army & Navy personnel a few years ago on Okinawa, the ones that lost their lives so she could FINALLY be proud of HER view of America today.

I'm not trying to make the battle of Okinawa sound to be a bigger event than her view of America tho. I mean America's moms only lost more sons killed or maimed on Okinawa than we lost in the ENTIRE Viet Nam conflict combined.

Small price to pay for Michelle's "finally proud of America" statement tho, isn't it? I'd say Michelle's hero's have names like Jesse Jackson, Rev. Butler, big Al Sharpton, Julius Streicher & Nelson the Mandela. I mean race baiting for political gain is what it's all about, isn't it?

Good God, ALL the horrors seen/experienced, personal sacrifice & injury that Barack & Michelle have sustained for their fellow country men. Who in this country ever paid a higher price to their fellow Americans than Barack & Michelle? Spoiled brats or true American hero's, you tell me!




  1. Her man is winning the DNC nomination - the first black man running for the presidency of the USA - she should be proud - LOL

    Panny Proud - your answer is foolish - she was not a slave and she didnt grow up in the situations you mentions - she makes plenty of money - much more then most of us will ever see in our life time - and you are saying she did that as a slave - HA - wake up to reality

    The answer to the question - nothing changed except her words - she needs to paint a better picture of herself because what she says and does will reflect on her husbands chance of winning - good marketing technique - she needs to say stuff like that at least seven more times before people believe her - then they will forget all the old stuff she said


    What a crock


    Some people are so gullible they will believe anything so long as that person is handing them something


  2. It's called damage control.  Her speechwriter must have thought it would change our minds ;)

  3. SPOILED BRATS!!! ALL THE WAY! Thank you for saying it! We all know your thinking it!!! :D

  4. "She can FINALLY be proud of HER view of America today..."

    If you've never been through it, you won't really be into it. You probably don't know what it's like to grow up as a black person during her era. You can't erase the 200+ years of FREE labor (slavery) and the many, many years of mistreatment that followed. HER view, and experiences of growing up in America probably differed greatly from the majority.

  5. Let me guess its Britains fault again for not telling you when pearl harbor was going to be attacked , - you guys have big big issues  

  6. What she said was for the 1st time in her life she was proud of her husband but he must change for the world to like him Obama was really hurt over this an rightfully so

    That was bad of me she didn't say that Obama she said it about America so it's O K

  7. i think shes trying to reach out to the women in america, cause these days it seems like the politicians are basically targeting the men and stuff. when she said "finally proud of America" and again this is my tought when was the last time you see a black candiadate runing for president they all been white or so. shes just saying shes proud because her husband got a chance to prove to america that you dont have to be white to have leadership in washinton.

  8. You wrote:

    "Who in this country ever paid a higher price to their fellow Americans than Barack & Michelle?"

    Well, certainly not you.  But I hope you continue to change the world by posting idiotic rants on Y!Answers.

    Second, I find it interesting that you have no meaningful argument against Obama other than an overscrupulous (over-s***w-pew-luss) critique of a speech given by his wife, purely based on semantics.  Of course she's proud of her country, just like John McCain or anyone else willing to devote their lives to public service.

  9. there both phony as a nixon 3 dollar bill  

  10. Yep, Mr. Lurking is correct. I would have substituted "Marketing" for "Damage Control," but the show is pretty obvious.

    The script continues. Let's hope there are no sequels...

  11. I have a dream that one day my pockets will be full and we the Obamas will be elevated above all.

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