
Why is Michelle Obama acting like Leave it to Beaver mother now?

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Why is Michelle Obama acting like Leave it to Beaver mother now?




  1. Electing someone nowadays is ridiculous,,,people vote for whoever spins the best BS and tells them what they want to hear. "Let me tell you feel good story about,,,"  

    All these politicians tell us how things should be to make this country great during an election and yet do nothing but s***w it up after they are elected.

    We all tell jokes about lawyers because they are all slick talkers and scumbags and then we go vote them into office.

    Millions of dollars that have been spent for campaigning in many major cities and yet what has been done to help even one hungry or homeless person during all of this.

    Michelle Obama behaves like beavers mom because she is trying to appeal to the emotions of people and says what they want to hear and tells her feel good BS. Just because someone is a good family man is not enough to make a good president.

    When it comes to running this country I would rather have someone who is capable and could care less if he cheats on his wife.

  2. Michelle must have done a pretty good job last night, if this is the best you can do to trash her.

  3. I believe it's to aid in her approval from the white voter.  

  4. It's why we haven't seen much of her before now.  She was being re-programmed.  It's the new and improved version of Michelle.  She had her makeover to be more palatable to Middle Class Americans in the swing states.  She's ready for Prime Time now.

  5. She is not.

    Chuck Culthammer is an idiot,

  6. Trying to make her husband look like Ward Cleaver , I suppose. You think he'll pull it off?

  7. Crunch time is near, she has to act the part.. To bad for her husband it still won't matter.. Damage is done and they are slowly loosing numbers.

    Oh... Was this a question for an Obama supporter... Oops I guess I had and Obama moment and forgot what I said...

  8. Michelle Obama is a phony just like her husband.

  9. Total make-over and rehearsed statements.  None of this truthfulness anymore.

  10. You mean why was she acting like herself - instead of the person Fox News created in their heads?

    Get over it - Michelle Obama is not the radical, white-hating, woman the media has been trying to portray.  

    The intelligent woman that spoke last night is the REAL Michelle Obama - and our next First Lady!

    Let's see Cindy McPercocet deliver such an amazing speech - oh wait, she's not scheduled to do so!

  11. The family dynamic seems to be very healthy. What kind of person are you to try and cast dispersions on this. Sad and sick. So sorry for you.

    I am so glad she didn't come out in one of those god awful suits. Wouldn't matter anyhow. The small of mind would find some petty thing to pick at.

  12. Leave it to Beaver Mother/Country hating racist. You clones are funny.  

  13. Do you really not know the answer?

    She has to appear to be as american as apple pie.

    She would naturally want another script to play, someone with more brains maybe?

    Remember when all you had to do to sell the wife of the future presidents role was to have a good cookie recipe?

    No masters degrees nor PhDs. What is the correct dumb meter of the attire she has to wear? does she have to look uneducated ? Not even a power suit?  

    Puleeze, this is Morally unacceptable in this day and age.


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