
Why is My Yahoo Taking away Points..?

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My Yahoo is Taking away Points everytime i add a question or answer something Why Is That..?




  1. You should be getting 2 points for answering a question, but evevrytime you ask1 you will get 5 points deducted.

  2. stop asking questions and then you wont have any problems with points being deducted.

  3. It costs you points to ask a question. If you ask a question and it gets removed, or you answer one, it gets picked as best then removed later on you'll lose points

  4. well it costs 5 points to add a question but it shudnt be when you answer one

  5. mine is too

  6. Click on your points for more info

    It'll show you how to win and lose points

  7. You've asked three questions - (5 x 3) =15

    And answered two +(2 x 2)=4

    therefor you should be (15 - 4 =) 11 points down on what you started with.

  8. thats weird, i thought u'll only get points taken away when you ASK a question. click on help =)

  9. To know the answers you can either search on google or press the help button..(Tips)

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