
Why is NASCAR doing dyno testing on Sprint Cars?

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I really dont understand the point of this




  1. To see where each manufacture stands on horsepower. They know the numbers on an Engine Dyno so this time they put the whole car on a Roller Dyno so they could see how much horsepower is lost through the drive-train and actually at the wheels.

    It eats up a small percentage of horsepower just to spin the transmission, driveshaft and rear axle over. Whatever's left at the tires is the real horsepower number actually pushing the car. They wanted to see how the power loss through the drivetrain affected each manufacture and how much real horsepower each one was actually putting to the ground.

    They took one of each and let others volunteer there cars. Thats why there was only one Chevy. No other Chevy's volunteered so im going to assume the #48 was hand picked by Nascar. There's no telling who the other Nascar choices were because there were 4 Fords, 2 Dodges and 2 Toyota's.

    I think the volunteers see it as a free Dyno test.

    I remember when they 1st tried the idea and They put Ernie Irvans T-Bird on the Roller Dyno and blew the motor up! I just remember them being mad as h**l and everybody like Rusty was griping Nascar out.    

    Yes, alot of it is to make adjustments to "level the playing field" but oh we'll. If people really knew there history. They would know Nascars done that forever. When the car body's were all different in the '80's and '90's they would play with the rear spoilers like crazy. If Chevy's were faster they would add an inch of height or take away a 1/2" from Ford to speed them up. etc. etc.

  2. because they want to make sure the playing field stays even - which means they want to see how far behind all the other teams are so they know how much to "reign in" rowdy. but of course, they can't just come out and make rules that just handicap the 18 team, and doing it to just joe gibbs racing would look like they were being picked on. nobody likes those furrin toyotas anyways so they just make all of their teams wear the equivalent of ankle weights in track and field.


  3. They put cars on the dyno to find out how much horsepower each car is producing.  The engine dyno will tell them how much peak horsepower an engine has.  A chassis dyno tells them now much horsepower is making to the rear wheels.  A percentage of horsepower is lost in the drive lines, transmission, axles, etc.  That's why they also need to chassis dyno along with engine dyno.  According to Chad Knaus on This Week In Nascar tonight, they chassis dynoed the cars then took the engines out to take them back to Charlotte for an engine dyno.  The reason they didn't test Carl Edward's car was because he did a burnout after the win and that stresses all the parts and will not give an accurate read on horsepower.

  4. they dyno the cars to see who has the most horsepower

  5. i'd also like to know why they're doing dyno testing on sprint cars.  i could kinda understand if USAC, WoO, or some other sprint car organization was doing it, but NASCAR doesn't promote sprint car races.

  6. Back in the day the best car won. It's quickly becoming the IROC series, or should I say, the now "DEFUNCT" IROC series.

    And since they are testing the cars why not test the winner "Cheating" Carl Edwards, too??

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