
Why is New Orleans getting hit again ?

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this is the 2nd time in 3 years they are getting another hurricane, why do they keep hitting poor New Orleans

serious answers only please




  1. Haven't you  heard.  George Bush created hurricanes to do away with New Orleans because he doesn't like black people.  At least that was the sentiment during Katrina

  2. I'm not a meteorologist but it seems like they form and follow a very similar path. So you can actually  get hit twice in one season.

    Then again, just a little shift and it can go hundreds of miles either way.  

  3. Global warming causes ice to melt in the poles, and this cold water interferes with the naturally flowing warm water channels...since warm water rises and cold sinks, the colder water obviously throws off the channels of water that were flowing across all the major oceans... this disruption is causing more and more storms

  4. Weather patterns have no sympathy for human misery. If you live in places where severe weather occurs, you just have to protect yourselves from it, or move away from it. It doesn't help to keep questioning "why". Hurricanes are a phenomenon of gulf coast areas, just like tornado's are a threat where I live, and earthquakes are a always possible out in California.

  5. Katrina 1st bad storm

    Rita followed right after Katrina

    So now Gustav would be number 3 !!!!!!

    I was there after Katrina, and in Mississippi for Rita, then off to NOLA after it passed and I stayed there for 3 months, thats all I could take of that. To many nightmares after that storm cleanup.

  6. You say "they" as if there are actually a group of people pointing a hurricane cannon at New Orleans!

    Hurricanes happen, and trust me, New Orleans isn't the only ones getting hit. I'm currently in south Mississippi getting hammered right now! We. also got destroyed by Katrina.

  7. It's becuz N.O is near the coast so it gets more trop-ical storms.But hurricane Gustav is reported to be worst than Katrina.

  8. Poor Florida gets hit by more Hurricanes that New Orleans. It gets hit 2 or 3 times every year. But the media pays attention to the areas that they think will cause the most sensationalism.  

  9. Bad luck.

  10. Simply because it's on the coast line.  Plus, the weather all over the world is changing in ways no one would've guessed some years ago. Hurricanes can hit anywhere they have hit before.  So, it's not really surprising after all.

  11. God is an a*****e

  12. Just the "luck of the draw" so to speak.  The Hurricanes go whereever the prevailing atmospheric weather dictates.  There's no reason why certain areas get hit and certain areas don't - other than geographical and weather-related reasons.

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