
Why is Nico Rosberg facing a penalty ?

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i mean he didn't do anything. he was probably following hamilton. he just *slightly* hit lewis and that was it. i thought it was quite a shame for him to get a penalty!




  1. 'coz they violate the day to day traffic rules, beating the red light on road intersection and hitting the rear bumper of the next car, therefore they must be invistigated by the highway patrol police (stewards) and giving them a penalty for traffic violation.

  2. "Causing an avoidable accident" is probably the official's a bit rough for him, seeing as the accident had already happened and he just piled into Hamilton's mess.

  3. becos he hits Lewis while Lewis hits Kimi at Red Light!!

  4. I was there and personally, I don't see a reason he should've been penalized! He had absolutely nowhere to go! Ok, so yea, he didn't stop, but it was like u said: a light tap! Nico didn't deserve that!

  5. I dont want to sound like a Tifoso (no!!) but I think Ron would have questioned why did they give Hamilton a penalty and not Nico. I do think it was legal anyway, he should have slowed down a bit at least, you don't approach a red light at full "speed limited" throttle :). At least that's what Ive learned from videogames....

  6. Because he drove up the back of another car that had stopped for a red light. Basically, he wasn't paying attention.

  7. I agree. If crash his own car was sufficient reason to penalty someone, no pilot could ever ride again. In my opinion, rules are to preserve the other's rights. Get OUT the box in red light is wrong, damage the oponent is wrong, but the main damage that Rosberg made was to himself, losing the spoiller. Hamilton tyres, and wheels were never damaged by THAT collision, even if he did not crash kimi before. Hughs to everyone.

  8. what penalty did nico get

  9. To be frank, he didn't really have room to stop, go or think; the carnage was RIGHT THERE and he hit Lewis just as much as Lewis hit Kimi.

    Pity, but 'dems de rules'

    I bet Kubica is counting himself pretty d**n lucky today!

  10. because of the idiot called hamilton!!!

  11. yeh, he kept on despite the red light

  12. I think the rule that both Hamilton and Rosberg broke is the one worded something like "Causing an avoidable accident" Not stopping at a red light would do it. The fact that Lewis has not eaten humble pie over this has lowered him in my estimation. Kubica must have been laughing his head off when he saw Lewis hit Kimi. Actually I am suprised Kimi did not hit Lewis back! Recently there have bee roadworks near my house. I have explained to the kids that even if they are late for school you don't go through a red light. Kimi saw the light, Kubica saw the light and they had less time to stop!

    In 1997 Villeneuve hit the wall in Canada, when asked what happened he said "It was a beginners mistake" Why couldn't Lewis be so humble?

  13. It wasn't the hitting part that got him the penalty, but both Hamilton and Rosberg were moving whilst the red light was shining. Neither should have moved during a red light, and this is why they face the penalty.

  14. Just like lewis he caused and acident that could have been avoided if he had payed attention. Rosberg obviously wasnt paying attention otherwise he would have stopped.

  15. He is facing a penalty because like Hamilton, he did not stop in the pits under the red light. He slammed into Hamilton after Hamilton slammed into Raikonnen. It would be interesting to see, Kubica and Hamilton on the same team. And Rosberg and Kovalinen(excuse the spelling) or Vettel on the same team to see who's better.

  16. Yeah, i don't know why.  He did hit Lewis but it was a minor thing and it wasn't the cause of Hamilton's retirement front the race.  I remember earlier this year, Rubens and Trulli or Fisi getting into an accident in the pits that damaged Rubens' wing, it was investigated but i don't remember anyone getting penalised for it..


    I just watched the replay, i don't think it was because he crashed into Lewis but rather for reversing in the pit lane which is very dangerous and could have caused another accident.  He's lucky he only gets 10 grid places for that.

  17. Because they wanted to penalize LH and could not do so without penalizing Nico.  Rosbif is quite right (why is that NOT a surprise!!) about "causing an avoidable accident".  But frankly KR's attempt to mate with AS at Monaco was avoidable so the answer must be one where KR gets no penalty yet LH and NR DO get a penalty.  One obvious answer is that KR drives for Ferrari and one rule etc.  

    Assuming that might not be the reason, perhaps there is something about being careful in the pitlane?  Last year, Flippy and Fisi both breezed through the light without paying any attention and got dinged.  

    So maybe it's something to do with going through a red light without trying to stop?  Both LH and NR tried to stop (would they have tried had the BMW and the red thing not been there?  Hmmm - we'll never know.) unlike Flippy and Fisi.  

    Maybe the decision is based on "crossing the stop line".  Well, NR in particular had almost stopped.  He only hit LH because LH decelerated even more sharply after hitting KR.  He would not have crossed the stop line so I see no grounds for a penalty for him.  

    Should LH get a penalty - - it's conceivable. He probably would have just about crossed the stop line if Kimi had not been there (though I have to point out that Kimi had actually passed Kubica in the pit lane - - - only by a couple of feet but he still passed him).  

    I find it an odd coincidence that this incident just happens to get the harshest possible treatment where the similar incidents involving Ferrari (Canada 2007 and Monaco 2008) got far less punishment (note Flippy got a DQ @ Canada 2007 but no subsequent race grid penalty).

  18. A slight hit is still a hit. what is good for one is good for the other. Neither one of them were looking at the lights so ended up playing bumper cars

  19. He didn't stop under red...pretty simple really. It is a shame though, I agree. But rules are rules.

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