
Why is Notre Dame not in a conference?

by Guest56552  |  earlier

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Army, Navy, and Notre Dame are Independents. I understand Army and Navy, but why Notre Dame? I believe the basketball team is in the big east may be wrong though.




  1. so they can play whoever they want whenever they want

  2. No idea, I guess a long time ago they ran out of room to fit them in a conference? lol

  3. the reason teams join conferences is bc it helps with scheduling and revenue. since ND has made a name for themselves and does not NEED to join a conference, that is why they are still independent

    they have their own tv deal with NBC so they have the money

    they also have several rivalries and teams they choose to play

  4. In a conference your bowl earning you must split with your conference you represent. As a Independance you get to keep all the money and not share it with anyone.

    Notre Dame does have an NBC contract, they could if they choose still join a conference, but they would have to share the loyalties of that NBC contract to the conference they wish to join.

    Notre Dame other reason of not joining in a conference is this is one of the reasons they gave the Big 10 as well as the Big East is that the Big 10 is too regional and therefore will hurt in what is called or nicknamed in recruiting as "footprints", for Notre Dame recruits nationally and being in a conference they fear that this would make thier footprints smaller, for instance being in the Big 10 they would lose footholds in TX and Fla, going in the Big East they would lose

    TX and Cal.

    So its the money and the very thing that makes them money "footprints", recruiting nationally is why they are an independant.

    Army and Navy. Army was in CUSA when it first began, but opted to bolt due to traveling restraints costing too much. Biggest reason Miami left the Big East , along in refusing to grow and giving the Hurricanes closer road games. Along that time, ACC decided to improve to 12 teams and heard about Miami's grumblings and invited them, Had Pitt invited to , as well as Syracuse, both said "Not". For they at first believed this wouldnt pan out that being Miami bolting , Miami after recieving word that the Big East isnt looking to expand, Miami announced they are leaving, ACC still needed two more teams PItt and Syracuse both official invitees with Miami was unaware Miami official announcement yet  although they declined because they didnt think Miami would leave, so the ACC gave out invites to Va Tech and BC, and they accepted.

    Army and Navy also need the money although their respected programs usually brings in about 60 million a yr, but they dont like sharing their revenue when it comes to bowls for they do come far and in between.

    I hope that help I could get deeper:

    Advantage being in Conference: Scheduling is easier: Conferences have things such as each team puts in certain amount a yr and when they need to get a loan for say a new artificial terf thay can go to the

    league and get a loan to pay for it at a cheaper rate.

    Disadvantage: Sometimes when two teams are tied for first, league commish can select the team ranked highest to be its bowl rep no matter if your team beat the higher ranked team in regular season.

    been done b4. Also a conference can boot a team if that team isnt being competitve example Marshall got booted from the MAC in Marshall's first time as MAC member, and recent Temple getting the boot from the Big East.

  5. It is all bout money.

    They have a contract with NBC and make money off of that.

    Also, a BCS rules says if Notre Dame finishes with 10 wins or more, they're automatically in a BCS bowl.

    They have had negotiations with the Big 10 in the past to become the 12th member. They also were intrested in joining the ACC during the whole Big East exodus.

    They play most of their other sports in the Big East.

  6. Notre Dame has enjoyed the fruits of Independent status from the beginning and will continue to do so.  I remember in the late 1980"s when the powers that be at Notre Dame convinced the Universities of Georgia and Texas not to have a television contract then they themselves turned around and did the very same thing!  Granted they have a very large and varied fan base and are always a good draw when it comes to filling stadiums but fair is fair.  It's cool because I love it when they lose!  (smiling)

  7. because they are too smug....

  8. They also have their own TV contract with NBC and all the cash that comes with it.

    But as far as basketball; they're in the Big East.

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