
Why is O`Bama referred to as a black (race) when he is also white (race) ?

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Father = black and Mother = white - for the record - Mr. O`Bama (if he becomes president) will not be the first black president




  1. You are quite right, but only in terms of mixing and what not. However, going back in the history of the united states, it was very much an apartheid country before the civil rights movements in the 1960's and 70's. In this system, in order for someone to be considered "white," they had to have no "black" in their skin. I use "race" in quotes because it is a constructed category, and there were these rules that put people in one or the other category. However, in apartheid South Africa, they had categories for mixed people, and even Asians, however, the anti-racism movement opposed this division. They did not want an apartheid system, they wanted equality, and they feared that if new categories appeared with new privileges and restrictions, their interests would be different and it would divide and weaken the movement. Thus, today, the categories of "white" and "black" still exist, but they do not mean today what they meant back in the day. However, that is not to say that people "black" people are on an equal position with "white" people in U.S. society, despite the change in meanings.

  2. If his skin pigmenttaion was lighter and looked more white, hed be reffered to white too.

    Hes 1/2 black, but he still IS black as opposed to many past presidents.

    NOBODY is fully anything.

  3. I agree, he will the first biracial president.

    People are bums and they look at the skin tone and say "hes black!'' without even looking at the background.

  4. i agree. all those light skin militant ****** need to make their own race. yall aint black

  5. - He made the choice long before anyone even knew who he was

    How come people don't seem to care that much Halle Berry, Alicia Keys, etc call themselves black? Why all of a sudden the peaked interest?

  6. Oh Lawd,

    If he said he was white then people would be hollering WHY IS HE SAYING HE IS WHITE WHEN HE IS CLEARLY WHITE.

    Shut up already. d-a-m-n

  7. Unfortunately, most people can't get past physical appearance.  Because he has brown skin, he is automatically assumed to be black, no matter his heritage.  He is indeed biracial, but historically, if you had any black "blood," then you were considered black.  There was not even a category for mixed race/biracial on most official forms until recently.  

  8. you tell em' girl


    Nah really...You really think Obama is going to go down in history as our First Biracial president haha

    No if your not pure white. Your black baby. That's just the way it is and always have been.

    Sad but true

  9. First off Barrack says he is black . Second , I don't care what you say , you are reminded everyday that you are  a N.... by other AMERICANS REGARDLESS IF YOU ARE HALF BLACK OR HALF WHITE . Lets keep it real tiger woods  HAD MORE DEATH THREATS BECAUSE WHITE RACIST people see him as black . I mean Tiger is not receiving  asian , or white , or Native AMerican death threats he is receiving black death threats. I am sure that is what Barrack had to experience all his life REGARDLESS IF HE IS MIXED  IF HE HAS ON DROP ON TAN SKIN OR BROWN SKIN  HE IS CONSIDER BLACK. I MEAN HALLE BERRY MOTHER WHO IS WHITE TOLD HALLE THAT SHE WAS BLACK  , NEVER CONS DER HER DAUGHTER OTHER THAN BLACK BECAUSE SHE KNEW HALLE WILL FACE MORE ADVERSITY  HAVING BROWN SKIN THAN WHITE AND DIDN'T MAKE A DIFFERENCE THAT SHE IS HALF WHITE . LIKE IS DOESN'T MAKE A DIFFERENCE THAT BARRACK IS HALF WHITE , HE STILL SEEN AS BLACK ; NOT JUST BY BLACK PEOPLE BY THE REST OF AMERICA. PS I AM NOT YELLING

  10. He looks more black, so he says he's black, so people don't get confused....'cause some people are dense, and can't get that a person can be 'white' without looking white...

    The same thing happens to albino black people...I watched a show that had an albino black girl on, and her story was sad...she was rejected by most of her family because she wasn't 'black' enough.

    How about we just call Obama an American and just stop all the unnecessary labelling?

  11. He's Black enough. There is no paper bag test.

  12. Well, I consider mixed people mixed. If I was mixed I would embrace both sides of my family. I think it would be a disrespect not to.

    I will say, that it's funny how a lot of Whites want to point out that he's not 100% black, but they never made the attempt to point that out any other time with any other biracial public figures: Mariah, Alicia Keys, Halle Berry, and Tiger Woods. Now when it's a man running for office, people want to inform Blacks, that he's half Black...interesting!

  13. i think its annoying when people look at someone biraicial and just call them black. because legally in America and other countries (i've heard)you are considered black. i think you're right he will be the first bi-racial president-we have yet to see a fully balck one. but at least he represents part of the black race.

  14. Although, he is just as much white as he is black.  His black traits dominate add the fact that he married a black woman and his children are now more black than white is probably why people relate to him more as a black man.    Does it really matter though?   First and foremost he is an American.

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