
Why is Obama afraid of Bill O'Reilly? Hillary went on the Factor and did well. What is Obama afraid of?

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Why is Obama afraid of Bill O'Reilly? Hillary went on the Factor and did well. What is Obama afraid of?




  1. You saw how poorly Obama did at saddleback. And warren was a relatively friendly questioner. Facing Oreilly would show him for the truly inept candidate he is.  

  2. Obama likes a controlled environment. The types of question the american people want to hear will never be answered by Obama. This shows he truly is hiding something from the public, and does not want to take the cover off to let people see the real person inside. His candidacy is a facade.  

  3. Maybe he isn't afraid, just smart enough not to let BillO corner him for an hour. I would never give BillO the pleasure of good ratings.

  4. He doesnt do well without a prescripted interview.  Have you ever seen him?  Pathetic.  He is a good speach giver, just an empty suit.  

  5. He is afraid of the world to find out that he truely is not ready to be president of the United States!

    For a start he should apply to Donald Trump to become his apprendice!

  6. Fear?

    h**l YEAH!!! h**l YeAh!!!

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