
Why is Obama afraid to conduct town hall type meetings with McCain??

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Yet he analyzes what McCain said months ago, and renders his opinions? Maybe not quick enough on his feet to answer real time??




  1. I wish he would so poeple can see what he is about and what an a malingerer McCain is.  Talk about slow on feet, he usually has someone holding him up.

  2. What makes Bush a good speaker? Obviously it's not a requirement to become President of the United States of America.

    It doesn't matter who become president. All of them promise "changes." Well I haven't seen any good changes from the last one. Also, I don't blame Bush. He's a puppet. I blame the puppet masters. Who ever becomes the next president will become the next puppet used to distract the the people of who's really to blame.

  3. Barak "Hussien" Obama is a ******* ***** w***e. He doesnt know s**t about how to run this country nor does he have the exprience to pull it off. And maybe he's a bit mental, has anyone thought of that? And he's just afraid that he's going to to get his @$$ whiped by an old man. He prolly doesnt have justification for is F ups to. Just a thought.

  4. Obama is a great speaker to large crowds McCain is better at small groups and debate structure that town hall meetings emulate

  5. He's an empty suit.  Without speechwriters, he's pretty inarticulate.

  6. He won't do it, because he knows he will studder when asked questions that he has no ready answer for.. which is every question that is aked.

  7. you cant fry the truth like

    'Mcains' french fried truth !

  8. Because he doesn't want to subject the American people to more McCain dodges like this one on health care:

    "Let me get back to you (when my advisors tell me what my position is...)"

    Can you imagine how uncomfortable the town hall audience would be having to sit through that?

  9. because Barack Saddam Osama is the antichrist, and unamerican (we all know this, he didn't wear his flag pin.)  and all of the filthy lies he has been spreading would come out if he conducted a "town hall meeting".

    It's because he feels that he does a better job speaking to large crowds and/or gets his message out to more people.  He simply doesn't feel a need to do the town hall meetings.  

    I'm a McCain supporter, but I'm quite sick of all of this "oooh!  (insert candiate here) didn't do (insert minor detail here).  clearly he is the father of lies...."

  10. They would be teleprompter free and that doesn't work for the "reader".

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