
Why is Obama always called a black man? When he is just as much white as he is black.?

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Is this just Nedra Picklers ignorance being displayed?

"eloquent black freshman senator from Illinois" By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer




  1. It has always been the custom to call anyone who has any amount of n_gro blood a black person.  In reality, they are also called mulattos.

  2. I believe that is his choice,

  3. Correct, but he is seen as a black man and I believe he calls his self black and to america he is black and thats a shame because he is of mixed race.

  4. It's only because he  will get the black vote if he says he is black and ignores the fact he is white also.

  5. are usually considered black if you have any black blood in you. He looks black, therefore he is black...a mighty ugly one, but black just the same.

  6. You are correct. very very correct.

  7. He prefers to be black.  That is what is how he wants to be recognized.

  8. Just as much white as he is black. He choose to live his life as a black man and identify himself as a black man. But honestly what is the contribution from his, "white side?" Lighter skin color, better social standing? Ha! Whether he was born to a causcasion mother and black father is nothing if random people choose to judge him by his skin color.

  9. He looks more black than white. I would never confuse him for white under any circumstances.He has a black wife and has black kids and goes to a black church and has a black favored political adgenda.He has black skin, sounds black and has typically black hair..How is this simple observation ignorant?

  10. Because usually if somebody is a mixed race [[black, white]] the black is the dominance. Same with somebody who is mixed chinese and white. They are concidered chinese. The darker race is always more dominant even though if somebody's mixed they are supposed to be called whatever race their mom is.

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