
Why is Obama campaigning in Germany?

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i really don't understand this at all..i could see him touring foreign countries, but having rallies??? is that normal? does he really think he's that important to humankind?




  1. Ego, this idiot already thinks he is President. I don't like him.

  2. The world is pretty desperate to see Bush gone. They want to see what Obama has to say. The things that the U.S. does sometimes has an impact on many other countries, and we barely ever notice it.

    Germany asked him to speak, he didn't impose himself on them. Over half of the civilized world wants to see Obama elected.

  3. He's setting up the new Reich.

  4. It's all publicity. It absolutely rediculous that a presidential "candidate" would tour in another country.

  5. It's the 58th state, didn't you hear?

  6. cos usa is stupid... he is a n**i.. and no one cares except the ignorant americans

  7. What would be really great is if people in other countries also got to vote for the US president, after all, his/her actions affect us all too. And besides, half of America don't even bother using their vote.

  8. umm it's kinda smart i think cuz is like he is putting his foot in the water before jumping in...if he knows whats goin on before hand it will let him plan better and more quickly.... n plus germany has n***s no really -n***s are still in europe and they are more fuqin organized...most of europe is racist and they think america is just white ppl with ghettos for the blacks---like it hasn't it them that we are everything and they are following the states economic downfall and president election like the macy's thanksgiving parade.... i'm from NY and am in norway right now so i am expierencing this S**t first hand... ppl here get suprised when i speak english (american english) and it's almost that because i speak english with an american accent they give me more respect b/c other than that in their eyes i have brown eyes black curly hair (i'm spanish) and they just grill me like i don't belong there....norwegians not the nicest of the bunch...and i've seen a friggin n**i parade an when they saw my hair color they threw ice cream at me-missed- but when i cursed em out in english they got suprised and just kept it moving

  9. Because the US and Germany are the leaders (or as they say it in German) of NATO and the New World Order.

  10. He gets taxpayer paid trips ,  free press in the USA and  ego boosting recognition,  which will ALL be gone once he looses.

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