
Why is Obama going easy on the attacks? He hasn't went after Palin yet?

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But now McCain is putting one out on him. And I'm not talking about her family drama. For example:




  1. He doesn't want to fight dirty. It would be a typical politician move to go after Palin based on her daughter's actions. It seems to me that he really wants to change the way campaigns are run as much as he can. Besides, you're right. He doesn't need to go after her when the media does a fine job of it on their own.

  2. At least somebody shows some decency and common sense.

    It has been known all along that McCain has a hot temper and

    aggression is not foreign to him.

  3. You'll have to cite a more reputable source than, they're nothing but a leftist rag. They're jumping all over the lie that Sara Palin was a member of a secessionist group that wants Alaska to leave the union, something libs have been claiming regularly here as well. But the president of that organization has stated in no uncertain terms that Sarah Palin was never a part of their group.

  4. Maybe he's just mature and doesn't care about being attacked

  5. It is easy for him to turn his back and act like his hands are clean as his army of media attacks.  Our freedom of choice to vote who we want is over.  The media will now choose who will be the leader.  Lord have mercy on the USA.

  6. When did people start relying on anything the daily kos puts out?  That is hardly a reliable source.

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