
Why is Obama not asked about his muslim backround?

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Palin has been assaulted everyday since she's been named as McCain's running mate about her background...




  1. Why didn't you ask?

    Who is stopping you?

  2. Maybe because we all know he's NOT muslim BY NOW! Gawd!

  3. because he's not Muslim nor has he ever been  

  4. Because this rumor was already discussed in minute detail and then dismissed on almost every mainstream media outlet months and months ago.  News shows don't discuss stuff that isn't news anymore.

  5. I don't understand why it would matter if he was Muslim anyways

  6. I thought that him being a muslim was a rumor. ...?  

  7. Because Osama is running the media.

  8. On here he has.  The media is afraid of losing their jobs for criticizing a black man.  He should be asked to explain a lot of things.

  9. Because main stream media is liberal and supported by liberals.

    McCain/Palin 08

  10. awww, are you getting desperate because poor 'ol Palin is getting picked on!!

    Obama has been asked those questions, do some research!

  11. Since when did religion become an issue?  Besides, he's, who cares?  Are you neo-cons getting so desperate that you'll throw anything out there because your candidate is such a bad choice?

  12. Probably because Obama's Muslim background is none existent. Besides, if he was a Muslim, why should he have to answer for it? It's not illegal to be Islamic.

  13. If you still think that Obama is a muslim despite the evidence that has proven otherwise. You're either an Idiot, a racist and/or just another partisan hack who wouldn't have voted for him anyway and are using the 'obama is Muslim' lie as a way to justify why you aren't voting for him.

  14. As republicans we should not lower ourselves to their ignorance and arrogance give them enough rope to hang their own candidate.


  15. Don't know. Obama should really be a non-issue.By that I mean a non-entity. You all just don't get it do you. Once a muslim ,always a muslim.

  16. jeesh where have you been?? that's all I have seen on here for the last 18 months d**n - glad to see you crawled out from under the rock.

    But Obama isn't a Muslim, and that has already been confirmed so ..what are you getting at?

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