
Why is Obama now backing away from debating McCain after telling him to bring it on

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He debated Hillary almost on a weekly basis.




  1. Yes, he did and if you will remember did rather poorly.  His skills in oration depend on him having a prepared speech.  In a debate format that is not always possible.  I hope they will have at least one debate where they are not fed the questions before hand.  By the way, Obama is not way ahead in the polls.  Last I checked they were neck and neck.  That is why Obama decided against more than 3 debates.

    He is such a wuss.

  2. EVERY presidential election has had the contenders debate 3 times. McCain wants to do it more often, and for what?

    The three upcoming debates will show everything there's to know about Obama and McCain.

    McCain is just trying to make some noise to bring attention to himself.

    But not to worry because he's going to get all the attention he wants  when Obama makes mince meat out of him during the 3 debates.

  3. Obama isnt a patriot.Barack Hussien Obama loves power and is a celebrity for socalists. God bless America!

  4. He told him to bring it on when he wasn't the leader in the polls. Now that his popularity has taken off and he is so far in the lead a debate with McCain could only hurt him. Coincidentaly McCain refused Obama's offer to a debate up until he was no longer the odd's on favorite, then he accepted.

    Right now McCain has nothing to lose because he is behind so a debate can only help him. And Obama has nothing to gain because he is already on top in the polls so a debate can only hurt him. Look back at history and you will see this same scenerio playing out in many elections throughout our history. If your behind in the polls try to get your opponent to debate you, and if your ahead in the polls dont do anything different or confrontational with your opponent (i.e. a debate)

  5. mccain would eat him alive and he knows it, obama is a joke, but he's not stupid.

  6. I cannot figure out your elections at all, we have members from the campaign for one of them not sure if it is McCain or Obama and they only seemed interested in mentioning not going into slur campaigns. Not once when asked did he know what either of the two mens main points were on what they would do on things. He seemed to be a bit confused on what the Irish radio show host asked him of things that he did to every irish politican running for office for the last thirty years. I think your media really has to learn to ask questions that mean something to be honest. Why they never ask things like, Mr .... what are you going to do to help home buyers, Mr .... what are you going to do to provide a health care for people.  These are the kind of things they don't seem to ever ask on CNN it is all Iraq and some slur been made by one or the other. come on media ask what the people want to know it is the job your paid for.  

  7. Presidential campaign is not the wild west.  Every time someone calls you into the street for a showdown, you actually lose by stepping into the fray.  

    Senator Obama must not give the impression that Senator McCain is calling the tunes on the dance card.  Senator McCain is no match for Senator Obama on subject or substance.  Direct contact with Senator McCain is a distraction.

    Whenever a credible third entity organizes a debate and issues invitations, Senator Obama will attend.  Senator McCain will be overmatched.

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