
Why is Obama raising less money now ..suddenly????

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Why is Obama raising less money now ..suddenly????




  1. they're saving the money to donate to him as it gets closer to november

  2. He's Lame.

  3. Perhaps more people are getting wind of who Obama really is.  He's such a new character that it takes time to bone up on the man.

    Does he have communist leanings?  His father figure mentor, in the absence of a father, is a member of the communist party USA on several government watch lists who has helped organize several communist front groups.  Obama admits to reading their literature and attending meetings in his youth.  Check out the link:

    Fitting his socialist leanings, his church was founded in black liberation theology which is based on socialist/marxist revolution.  Obama has spoke of, "the idolatry of the free market."

    As the article below states:

    " the church seems to promote communism by the

    term they use called 'economic parity.' Is this what

    Barack Obama truly believes?"

    Here’s a statement from another article:

    "Herbert Romerstein, a former investigator for the House Committee on Un-American Activities, will present a detailed report on Obama's years in Hawaii, when he came into contact with and under the influence of a member of the Communist Party, Frank Marshall Davis," Kincaid said.

    He also will detail "Obama's years in Chicago, when he came into contact with and under the influence of communists, socialists, and even communist terrorists. There is a very disturbing pattern here … It can be no accident that Obama always seems to gravitate to the most extreme, anti-American forces. If you think Rev. [Jeremiah] Wright [Obama's pastor] is something, wait until you see the information that we have developed.

    Wright has made comments suggesting American invented AIDS and infected blacks with the disease, and the U.S. deserved the attack of 9/11 because of the "terrorism" it inflicted on other nations."

    Additional articles on Obama:

    The Bible says you shall know them by their friuts. Obama's take on

    Christianity makes one wonder where his commitment really lies.

    "Obama defines himself as a "progressive."[xxix] He

    admonishes those of us who believe in the inerrancy of

    the Bible that we have an added burden of translating

    our religious principles into what he calls "universal


    The following article shows Obama disavowing that the Bible condemns

    homosexuality and he actually tries to tie Jesus' sermon on the

    mount to his advocacy of same s*x unions.

    Obama claims a 20 year membership in his Church, which is an

    activist church. His fruits don't really show a devoted Christian,

    but more of a man devoted to activism.

  4. Because Oprah is out of the country on vacation...

  5. More than likely it's because of the increase of cost of living.  With fuel and food costs skyrocketing, luxuries such as movies and outings have been canceled, so how much more donation to an already rich presidential candidate?

  6. Many people are seeing through the lines in the rhetoric!!!

  7. Because people are finaly seeing the truth

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