
Why is Obama so scared to attend the Bill O' Reilly show or the Shaun Hannity, hall meetings with Mc Cain?

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Do we want a person like him for President a Chicken who can't step up to the plate because he is scare of what questions they might ask him. I thought he could talk the talk and walk the walk. What is wrong with him? He won't be my President for sure. What is he scared of??




  1. Maybe because he has that little presidential campaign going on. Why won't McCain go on CNN?

  2. Obama is smart, he knows being interviewed by O'Reilly or Shaun Hannity will be a "Gotcha."  Obama is paralyzed without a teleprompter.  If you notice without the teleprompter he is lost and there are lots of searching for words, forgets what he is talking about due to changing his mind so often, and of course the "ums and ahh." in doing impromptus.  The same would apply to a town hall meeting with McCain.  I believe we Americans are seeing his socialist side and radical left stance. The man is carrying around a lot of baggage to boot.  

  3. Probably afraid of alot, of the truth...... I'd be afraid if he gets in.  

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