
Why is Obama upset with the cover of the NEW YORKER , if we live in a free country?

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Why is Obama upset with the cover of the NEW YORKER , if we live in a free country?




  1. Well, wouldn't you just hate it if some guy did a drawing of you in a bad manner and let people all over the country see it? Yeah, I thought so.

  2. He's not; he's secretly ecstatic that that far-left rag ran two bowing-and-scraping articles on him in the same issue.

  3. BO is offended by EVERYTHING, he is a total jackass.

    BO has a PROBLEM when the truth is told about him.

  4. I'm upset by it!

    It's racist, and ignorant, and derogatory.  That's why he's upset.

  5. Because he does not believe in freedom of speech when it pertains to him or his wife. Everything else is fair game though

  6. The New Yorker article was making fun of the nut jobs that believe the lies spread by the neocon whisper campaign. Obama knows that some idiots will not see that it is satire and will take it serious.  Pretty sad.  Just read some of the answers posted!

  7. same reason you were pi__ _ ing and moaning about the move-on  Gen Patreaus  ad!!!

  8. I am by no means an Obama supporter but freedom doesn't mean that people can't get upset over things.  Just like you have the freedom to say whatever you want, I have the freedom to not like what you have to say.

  9. You wouldn't be upset?

  10. he hates freedom of expression.

  11. I got MY  copy !  HaHaHa  HeHeHe

  12. For the same reason he thinks Bill C is not allowed to refer to his "story" as a fairy tale (which is becoming more apparent everyday)

    For the same reason he fired a campaign worker for referring to her neighbor children as monkeys when they were playing in the tree, the same reason he called for Don Imus to be fired while holding hands with his uncle Jerry.

    Like any good Marxist he thinks he can control thought and words. He is of the "do as I say not as I do school of thought"

    He is allowed to attack Cindy McCain but we are too leave him, his wife and anything else he deems off-limits alone.

  13. Because freedom of speech doesn't cover libel/slander.  Now of course for legal purposes the New Yorker can hide behind satire and that's fine, but the cover was exactly what Obama and McCain called it: "tasteless".  Plus your average American is a moron especially when it comes to politics. So when they see imagery like that out of context (as it is on all the websites covering the outrage) they get more afraid of Obama. I can't tell you how many ***-clowns responded in polls/interviews during the primaries that they viewed obama negatively cuz he's a Muslim (patently false) or cuz his middle name is Hussein (patently stupid).

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