
Why is Oprah on a vegan diet?

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Why is Oprah on a vegan diet?




  1. Because scientific studies have shown it's actually one of the healthiest, environmentally friendly and economically sound diets around.

    I don't agree with her 'detox' where she's only doing it for 21 days, but as a long-term lifestyle choice, veganism is one of the best things someone can do.

    I've never seen it as a 'diet', and I certainly don't think it should be used purely as a means to lose weight, but Oprah's not lying when she says it makes you feel fantastic.

    I've been vegan for two years and I have never felt better.

    Hope this helps answer why she may be giving it a try.

  2. Because she is never satisfied with her natural body weight, she will try anything that works

  3. She's doing it predominantly as a cleanse, hence giving up alcohol, caffeine, gluten and sugar as well.  But, this is from her blog:

    "Week One: Sunday

    There was a passage in Kathy Freston's book that so related to me, I thought for a moment she was talking about me.

    In the passage, Kathy talks about an overweight friend who would gain and lose. She didn't conquer the weight issue until she became a "conscious" eater.

    Conscious eater. That struck a nerve. I had recently come to the conclusion that after spending weeks reading and rereading A New Earth and being on line with Eckhart Tolle that bringing a higher level of awareness to my eating was the solution I'd been avoiding. My idea of a conscious eater, however, was not quite the same as Kathy's.

    I thought it meant not allowing yourself to eat emotionally and filling the void of anxiety with food, as I've struggled with for years. I thought it meant taking your time, making healthy choices and chewing slowly—being conscious of every bite and not scarfing down a meal and then thinking about the next one.

    That is one level of consciousness. But what she talks about in her book is a higher level. She speaks of "spiritual integrity." How can you say you're trying to spiritually evolve, without even a thought about what happens to the animals whose lives are sacrificed in the name of gluttony?

    So this 21-day cleanse gives me a chance to think about it differently and see what my attachments are to certain kinds of foods—and what I'm willing to do to change."

    If she's really going to look at this through a lens of consciousness and spirituality, maybe it will stick.  Goodness knows she has compassion for people and is attached to her dogs.  She just needs to wake up to the fact that dogs aren't the only animals with emotional lives and the capacity for suffering.

  4. Because.... why NOT!?

  5. She wants to lose weight probably

  6. I'm hoping she also has some ethical reasons too but she actually has lost a lot of weight over the past 20 years although it's more to do with her rigorous lifestyle and excercise rather than any stupid diet.

  7. Here's to hoping she makes a positive, permanent change!

    *sit and watch*

  8. Because she is über-rich, she can do whatever she wants to.

  9. Seems like its to try and detox and lose some weight, so unfortunately nothing to do with not supporting the meat/fish industry or for animal concern, only for her well being.

    The daytime diva, 54, has announced she is going vegan for a 21-day detox.

    And she insists on her blog that it isn't so bad.

    "Wow, wow, wow! I never imagined meatless meals could be so satisfying." she writes. "I had been focused on what I had to give up — sugar, gluten, alcohol, meat, chicken, fish, eggs, cheese. 'What's left?' I thought. Apparently a lot. I can honestly say every meal was a surprise and a delight, beginning with breakfast — strawberry rhubarb wheat-free crepes."

    Inspired by Kathy Freston's book Quantum Wellness, Winfrey says, "this 21-day cleanse gives me a chance to think about [eating] differently and see what my attachments are to certain kinds of foods – and what I'm willing to do to change."

    Her new menu — created by Freston's own chef Tal Ronnen — features food like tofu scramble roasted tomato, grilled onion and sweet garlic aioli quesadillas with jicama slaw.

    She plans to blog her the entire dieting process.

    "Don't know if I'm going to feel better or worse," Winfrey writes, "but I'm willing to try to see if my body at least feels differently."

  10. Cuz she's kinda fat...

  11. Because she jumps on the bandwagon of any fad diet going around at the time. Shes been doing this for the last 20 years, and it never works for long term weight loss, but you have to admire her persistence.

  12. because she's always trying to start/be a part of the new trends to lose weight

    I doubt she really cares about the well-being of animals, as in cows, pigs, chickens, turkies, etc. (not her emotional dog)

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