
Why is Organic cotton better for the environment than conventionally grown?

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Why is Organic cotton better for the environment than conventionally grown?




  1. Conventional cotton requires 25% of world's chemical pesticides. Reports suggest that one to two million' birds are killed annually by carbofuran, just one insecticide used on cotton.

    Conventional cotton is also a major user of toxic herbicides, fungicides and defoliants. During processing, it is subjected to chlorine bleach, heavy metal dyes and formaldehyde resins. This is a major hazard to the environment.

    Compared to this organic cotton have a lower carbon footprint and consumes less fuel and emit fewer greenhouse gases.

    No chemical pesticides are used in organic farming. It also helps to reduce water wastage, electric and toxic run-off.

    Also, the health hazards caused due to the chemicals, on the workers, are greatly reduced by organic farming.

    So, organic cotton is much better for the environment than the conventional cotton.

  2. The only real reason is the lack of chemical fertilizer used.  Chemical fertilizers run off into the various water systems and since they contain phosphates they contribute to algae growth which can remove too much oxygen from the water and kill other animals that need it.

  3. A major benefit of not using pesticides and herbicides in production is that in helps support local biodiversity.

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