
Why is Palin's experience getting questioned?

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It is obvious that the experience issue should be dead and buried. Obamas 3 years in the senate and Palins 12 years in elected office that includes being the mayor and the governor of Alaska mean that that the word experience should never be brought up again unless they're talking about both tickets.




  1. It is all the CNN and MSNBC effort who are bought be Obama camps. Journalism has suffered a death. Burn it  and spread the ashes.

  2. all it takes is a bachelors degree in jounalism to get to be VP?????

    nobody sent me that memo...quick where do i sign///LOL

  3. it seriously doesn't matter who McCain picked, the left would be all over them in some fashion or another.  it's election tactics.  I'm sure that a lot of people in both parties love Palin, but the right/left, red/blue thing forces the idiots out in droves.

    also, i think it's great that she has been the mayor of a small town.  this puts her more in touch with Americas citizens than some jerk up on the hill.

  4. I have no idea how can you question something that doesn't exist.

  5. Did you just pull those numbers out of your ***?

    Obama spent 7 years in the Illinois Senate and 3 in the US Senate, that makes 10 years in the Senate.

    Palin has been governor for almost 2 years, was chairperson of the Alaska Oil and Gas Commission for 1 year, and was Mayor of a city for 6 years, that makes 9 years.

    Given that Lincoln had the same resume as Obama, but I don't know any great Presidents who were Mayor of a tiny little town, I think it's in Palin's interest if we don't bring up experience.  

  6. One would think the Obama camp would not want to go near this one, what with B Hussein's only being in the Senate a few years (and spending nearly all that time running for the Presidency). But logic has never been their forte. Mich like the oft repeated accusation that Palin -may- have smoked marijuana. Totally ignoring the fact that Obama has -admitted- to using cocaine, marijuana and crack.^

    Edit - "wideawake" - I think it is you that is attempting to "pull numbers out of...".

    The fact remains that Palin has been in government five years longer than Obama, and has twelve years of executive experience to his zero.

  7. Have you lost your mind?

    You are comparing a journalism major/ beauty pageant contestant/ mayor of nowhereville and 20 months as govenor to Obama's Lifetime of service?

    Get a grip.

    Think about this: if elected, McCain is actually statistically likely to die in office (75 is life expectancy). Do you really want this person who has never set foot in Washington as leader of the free world?

    If so, then you neocons must be smoking some great herb.  

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