
Why is Palin's zero foreign policy experience such a bad thing?

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McCain has zero experience on economics...he has admitted he has expert economic advisors aiding him...why can't President Palin have foreign policy advisors aiding her?




  1. For the last eight years the Republican foreign policy has been," if we don't likem attack'em." War should be the last option not always the first. It doesn't matter how unqualified this lady is to be President, It's McCain the Same that we don't want in charge of anything except Cindy.

  2. Actually its a good thing she is a fresh slate.

    By the way what foreign policy experience does Obama have?

  3. oh now inexperienced is a good thing?

    well people bash Obama for weeks

    and now they just flip flops their own opinion about the experience..

    what a bunch of hypocrites

  4. She is the govenor of the state that is literally, a stone's throw away from Russia.  You can't tell me that she has zero foreign policy experience.

  5. Its not that its just she has little experience in anything

  6. Because if and WHEN he passes in office, you will have a Vice President with active wars going on speaking with rouge nations without a CLUE as to what's going on...

    Why we even discussing this? You guys are trying to hype her up like we will vote for someone we just met 24 hours ago...

  7. Because Joe Biden's foreign policy experience is such a good thing.

  8. Hmm, running a state budget is no economic experience? What has Obama run?

    Actually, Alaska as interactions with Russia (fishing rights) and Canada on many issues. She's light years ahead of Obama.

  9. Obama has zero foreign policy experience and not much in the way of economic experience. All I have heard from liberals today is how Sarah Palin is not experienced enough to be a heart beat away from the presidency. She has THE SAME amount of experience as Barack Obama. Obama would not be heart beat away, he WOULD BE the president, with the same lack of experience as Palin. Why do liberals not get this fact??

  10. Again I can follow Obama's voting record (GAO reports and Library of Congress) and not just make up some sound bites. (look it up) He has foreign policy connections including dealing with Russia and supporting and negotiating conventional weapons laws as well as Nuclear reduction in Russia negotiations. (look it up and not talk out the side of your neck)

    As a State and US senator he has traveled to overseas countries on official duties. He made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa before the elections. Obama has probably dealt with more foreign officials and laws then Palin has seen black people in her small town. (How many could there be? 5?) As a state legislator, Obama gained bipartisan support for legislation reforming ethics and health care laws. He sponsored a law enhancing tax credits for low-income workers, negotiated welfare reform, and promoted increased subsidies for childcare.

    Now if anyone can tell me...what has Palin done? (beside the road closure thing and the dairy farm thing? Anyone?)

    Sure She can have advisors...Obama can have them too.  

  11. Her entire political career consists of running of a town of less than 10,000 and then less than 2 years running a whole state ot 700,000.

    Alaska's entire state economy and poplulation is smaller than Columbus, Ohio!

    If McCain goes - this is bad!

  12. do you really feel comfortable with a Presidential candidate that has admitted he has zero economic experience when the economy is the #1 issue?  

  13. I'm sure she's had dealings with Canada and other countries.....she's got more experience by a long shot than Obama........

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