
Why is Palin a Republican Hero For Raising Taxes on Oil Companies, But Democrats are Vilified for it?

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Why is Palin a Republican hero for raising taxes on Oil companies, but when Democrats propose the same thing, they're vilified for it and we're told it will cost Americans their jobs?

Why is Palin a Republican hero for flip flopping on the "bridge to nowhere" and supporting it at first only to later allegedly tell Congress "thanks but no thanks"?

And then she didn't even return the money?

Why is Palin a Republican hero for putting the Alaskan state jet on eBay when it didn't SELL on eBay?

She sold it to a private company for a loss of $500,000?

Why is Sarah Palin a Republican hero period?

HOW is she qualified to be our Vice President?




  1. Not sure...maybe it's because she has s*x without birth control?

    She's not a hero...she's a crazy christian fundamentalist worshipped by Jesus freak neocons who are just as crazy as she is.

  2. She never really took from the oil companies. Most of her speech was not true. I love how the Republocrats hate community organizers

  3. obama;...

  4. because according to the states constitution.the people own it.she fought and won 1200.00 yearly to every alaskan.then went and fought to get a natural gas pipe line to the lower know,the same gas obama is promoting! the fact that she sold it period is a statement of where she stands on abuse of peoples money,like driving her own car to work.she was for the bridge.but actually went to the sight of where they wanted it and said no deal.again,not spending the peoples money.h**l she ought to be a liberals hero! so you know.

  5. she is not qualified at all.

  6. probably because democrats want to raise everyone elses taxes right along with the oil companies!

  7. It’s an inbred thing – a pit bull, no matter how they are raised, will eventually turn on their owner.

  8. First, I think Obamabots have took over y'alls accounts.

    I've quit trying to figure out things. You have a choice of two idiots. How is Barack Obama qualified to be President? Think before you speak grasshopper, it could be said of anyone.

  9. good question--clearly the republicans are hypocrites.  if a democratic governor ran a welfare state completely subsidized by oil companies and by federal government earmarks, the republicans would scream their heads off, but they praise palin for doing just that.  

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