
Why is Palin being sued by the Alaskan Police Department?

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And are there any other investigations currently in progress or have there been any in the past regarding her conduct as either Mayor or as Governor ? I seem to recall hearing that there were questions about her integrity.




  1. They are not 'suing her'.

    There are allegations that she abused her power as Governor by trying to get her sisters husband fired as a trooper while her sister was divorcing him.

    Her position is that she took her complaints to the head of the State Patrol after his buddies tried to cover up for him after he tasered his 11 year old stepson when he tried to stop him hitting his mother, and that he then threatened to kill his wife's father (who was also, of course, Sarah Palins father) if he reported the tasering to IAB.

    The troopers union says there are no records of complaints against the trooper in question. Palin says that's exactly why she went all the way to the commander of the Patrol - the 'good old boy' network made sure that complaints - including drinking while driving his patrol car on duty and illegal hunting - all got trash-canned.

    The Alaska State Patrol has a really bad reputation for this sort of thing, and promises to clean up the patrol and get citizen complaints taken seriously were part of Palins campaign for governor.


  2. She tried to get a no-good state policeman fired.

  3. Sara Palin is being investigated by the legislature of Alaska for abuse of power.  

    The allegations say she but pressure on the head of the state troopers to fire her ex-brother in law after a messy divorce.  

    When he would not do it, he was fired and replaced by some one who would.

    That person lasted in the job for only 2 weeks.

    The ex-brother in law was reinstated after review.

    I the course of the investigation into these charges, it appears that Ms. Palin gave her ex-brother in law's personal information to a private investigator that they hired.

    The Alaska State Troopers union is suing Ms Palin, and have issued ethics complaints against her for accessing personnel files, and giving personal information to 3rd parties.


  4. It is nice to put the facts down and sources so we could see what your talking about. And it takes time to look at the Real Facts from both parties and then we have to wait to the end to see if it was an issue or not. So without all the info it is very unclear.

    Integrity? Well she is against abortions and against leaving preemies to die on a table alone after a botched abortion which Senator Obama is for. As I seem to recall the conception of life is above his pay grade.

    What about him wanting s*x Education for Kindergartners? Is that showing integrity??? Doubt it.

    She kept her beautiful baby, she didn't have to dump her Church and Reverend to keep running in this race, she isn't friends will USA Terrorist Bill Ayers, she didn't need help from Criminal Tony Rezko to buy her home, she isn't under question about how she got such a low interest mortgage rate on her home etc etc etc  

    Sara beats Barrack by miles on integrity.

  5. i do not think you have all your facts straight.

  6. Because she wanted a trooper fired who had threatened to kill her father.

  7. She insisted a state trooper that used a taser on an 11 year old, be fired.

  8. They think that she might have tried to get her sisters ex-husband fired... he is a state trooper.  

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