
Why is Palin more likable that Biden? Why is McCain more experienced than Obama?

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Isn't this a deadly combination for the Democrats in November?




  1. Palin for the moment is more likable than Biden because she is new to the politics scene, and people are trying to get to know what she is all about.  So for the time being she is going to be in the news a lot.  They're trying to see what her deal is and why she was chosen over anyone else. Sort of like a breath of fresh air, and something new.  

    And isn't obvious why McCain has more experience than Obama?  Hmm...Because McCain has been in Senate for years!  Obama is younger as well so I wonder who would have more experience.   It's not going to be easy for the democrats to win because this might be the "change" that America was looking for in the republican party.  But it's going to be a close call for both parties.  The Democrats are going to have to do something inventive.  And the only reason he chose woman is because McCain wanted the "woman's vote."  

  2. I'm glad there is a choice now   McCain and the pit bull   all the way  November !

  3. Palin is 'sassy"   But she is also a right wingnut christian conservative knucklehead who believes that God wavived a magic wand anc created the universe 4500 years go.

    She is hot as h**l but she is a Bimbo MILF too.

  4. I have seen nothing about Palin that I like, she is anti-environment, doesn't even think that global warming is even in part a product of our abuse of our natural resources, she kills for fun and thinks God wants what she wants simply because she wants it. Her speech was full of lies and did nothing but belittle her opponents and had no actual substance, her policies as governor are self-serving, and her views on American Rights would fit well in a dictatorship. McCain has been around a lot longer than Obama and has all the characteristics of a typical politician, says what he thinks you want to hear and then does what his party has always done,

  5. When you day "likable" what do you mean or by whom? McCain has been around longer than Obama but that does not mean much. Being a POW does not give you executive experience.

  6. I would like to p**p on Palin more than Biden and McCain has much more experience signing confessions that he is a war criminal.

  7. Why are Republicans more arrogant than Democrats?  

  8. Hard to say.  I think it's going to be very close.  I predicted a while back, at a time when I wasn't even sure I could support McCain, that he would become the next president.  And this was when Obama was far ahead in the polls.  

    My reason was simply because the pollsters and analysts are usually wrong.  They were all predicting Clinton vs. Guiliani originally.  Now they predict Obama which is precisely why I don't think he will win.  

  9. Why are the Democrats still leading i the polls?

  10. Palin is more experienced than obama!!!

    NOway, NOhow, NObama !!!

  11. Why is your head not screwed on straight?

  12. because that's what you want to see. Neither of them have ever been President or Vice President so they are equal in that experience and that's all that matters to me with experience. Who pulled Palin out of a hat. Jump out the limo and get on the bus.  

  13. Obama is MORE EXPERIENCED than Palin

    Biden is MORE EXPERIENCED than McCain

    sorry Republicans LOST the experience argument when they picked Palin.

  14. They are real people. Obama/Biden are 100% political slimeballs.

  15. Not so...You just don't know.

  16. Most polls you see are from the Democratic leaning networks (MSNBC, CNN), so the people taking those polls there are more likely to be Democrat as well.  Also, every candidate jumps in the polls after their party convention.

  17. As much as they talk about obama and his past now look Palin is make sure your backyard is clean first...ha ha ha

  18. nope. democrats will win the white house in November  

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