
Why is Palin refusing to testify in the trooper-gate scandal? Isn't this more of the same Republican attitude?

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that we got from Cheney, Rove, Gonzales...?




  1. Give it up...

  2. She's also has some email problems regarding Troopergate. Sounds more and more Republican all the time

  3. And your proof that she is refusing to testify is...where?

    Come on smartass, back up your bs or get off the net.

  4. Refusing to testify???

    1) She is fully cooperating.  

    2)  Palin filed the complaints *more* than a year before she was elected governor, and about two months before launching her campaign.

    3) The man who is actually responsible for bringing the charges against her is the man she defeated in the 2006 elections.  He hoped torun against in the next election for Governor.  (Do you think *he* has any motive here???)

    4) The man who was fired, Monegan, has come forth and very clearly stated that Palin never asked him to fire Wooten.  He did feel "pressured" and the e-mails he felt caused that pressure were released (by him) to the press yesterday.  Have you *read* the press releases  Wooten was threatening kill people and he had broken the law 12 times ! !

    Wooten should have been out on his ear long before the Palin family filed complaints.  

    I sincerely hope that *anyone* who receives threats from a police officer would report it.

    That is all Palin did according to the very man who *was* fired!

    Again, I ask, do you people not know how to read or do you simply fail to comprehend what you read???

  5. It certainly sounds like it. If all is well then why doesn't she just testify. Maybe her lawyer is advising against it? If so then why?  

  6. Yes no change more of the same the media  haven't finnish vetteing this moose hunting mayor from alaska.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

  7. Well, in order to stave off unpopular truths about her...

  8. i think you need to read the whole story of this so called scandal before you make comments.

    for the sake or yourself and all humanity, please educate yourself prior to posting such ludicrous things

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