
Why is Palin telling us a lie about her last born, which is actually her daughter Bristol's kid?

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" . . . Sarah Palin's fifth child, a son named Trig, was born in April with Down syndrome. Internet bloggers have been suggesting that the child was actually born to Bristol Palin but that her mother, the 44-year-old Alaska governor, claimed to be the mother."

Isn't it obvious that these type of lies and cover-ups would be no different than the lies and cover-ups of the Bush Administration?





  1. I am tired of hearing anything about it personally.

    No one is talking about anything important when it comes to the elections. headline news reads like the front of a national inquirer right now.  

  2. could you in your right mind vote for Obama? get real! this guy is so unrealistic it's sickening. Not to mention, I do not want to hear any Obama supporter say anything about morals or values of another person if the baby is hers or not. Obama attended Writes church for 20 years and that in itself is enough for me not to vote for him. 20 years! not 1 year not 5 years..20 years! This guy wrote his wedding ceremony & baptized his children. He wants to raise taxes on the rich when they already pay 90% of this country's taxes. How does that make ANY sense in the economic times we live in? They already pay 90% so if you raise their taxes they will not spend any of their money elsewhere because they are using that money for tax increases. Get real! "God bless america. no no no. God d**n America."-Rev. Wright america will be damned if we elect Obama  

  3. I have been a PROUD Democrat all of my life, but this election, I'm ashamed to be a democrat!  This country will be doomed if America elects Obama!  This is a man with absolutely no experience as far as I am concerned. He has came out of no where and claims to have all the solutions to our problems. NO WAY!  I will be voting for McCain in November!

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